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331. Go to a farmers market and demand to buy a farmer. - @ItsFrantasticMonday

332. In school become friends with someone and when your standing next to them whisper " I have got the enemies trust. Make the move." - @PokemonRio

333. Tell people their squishy.

334. Bring a big bag into an elevator and every now and then whisper "Get enough air in there?" into it.

335. Propose to people on the street using ring pops.

336. Go to Walgreens and ask for a green wall.

337. Dress up as a duck and throw bread at people, shout "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT HUH?"

338. Dress up as Raven from teen titans. Go to Walmart and start meditating.

339. Yell "WHO YOU GONNA CALL?" in a public place. (If anyone says ghostbusters make them your new best friend.)

340. Go to the grocery store a lemon and ask random people "what is this lemon thinking of?" i they do not answer, throw the lemon at them.

Hi guys so I wanna ask you something. Im thinking really far ahead right now and I wanna do something awesome for April Fools day ( ya i said far ahead...) I have dozens oh super cool pranks that I wanna upload but I what do you guys think? From the Sunday before the 1at till that Wednesday i'll upload once or twice with pranks? What do you guys think?

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