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531. Put on a helmet and tell everyone that this is part of your astronaut training.

532. Use lipstick to draw war paint on your face. Next, get blueberries and crouch behind a bush and throw them at random people.

533. Hide in your siblings closet and at 6 a.m. make noises.

534. Put up a lost dog poster with a picture of a hot dog.

535. Go to a fast food place and when they ask can I take your order, say "No, it's mine".

536. Let a Chicken loose in KFC with a sign around it's neck saying: The End Is Near.

537. Go into a clothes store dressing room and play a shower sound on your phone.

538.  When you ask someone to do something, ask if they want fries with that.

539.  A few days In advance tell your friends that you can't attend their party because you have a headache.

540. Call for a group hug in an elevator full of strangers.

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