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231. Go to the St. Patrick's Day Parade and throw Lucky Charms at the walking paraders.

232. Go to a fancy restaurant and ask for a happy meal.

233. If you have a Furby ( or a fidget friend) , take it to a really busy street and start arguing with it and see how many people stare.

234. Try to buy an employee at a store.

235. Put random notes inside of balloons and tie them in public places.

236. Stand in the corner, reading a telephone book, laughing continuously.

237. Bring a sled to a public place and then slide down the stairs.

238. Go to McDonalds and ask for a krabby patty with extra tarter sauce.

239. Go to target and ask them if they have archery lessons

240. Hit someone over the head with a bop it toy and yell "Thanks for playing!".

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