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141. Call Walmart and try to reserve a shopping cart.

142. Call pizza hut, and say: Hello this is Pizza Hut, would you like to order a pizza.

143. Sit in a tree and when people walk by drop mayo on there heads they will think it was the birds.

144. Have a contest at Walmart to see who can find 3 items that will freak the cashier out the most!

145. Tie a string to peanuts and go squirrel fishing.

146. Go to McDonald's and ask for a sad meal, then yell SAD PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT TOO!!

147. Go to an electronic store with a banana and say that you want to upgrade to an apple.

148. Call the operator on two different phones and put the phones together so they can talk to each other.

149. Take one grape to the check out. Say nothing. See how the cashier reacts.

150. Sit in an elevator and say, "oh, are you trapped here too?"

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