
386 21 16

431. Yell AVENGERS ASSEMBLE if no one joins you start crying and saying "I thought we were a team!"

432. Give people small bags of Cheerios claiming there donut seeds.

433. Throw gatorade bottles at people and tell them if they put it up to there ear they can hear sports.

434. Point somewhere random and yell "LOOK A DISTRACTION" and see how many people look.

435. Throw glitter at a random person and scream "YOU'RE A WIZARD, HARRY!"

436. Go to a dollar tree store and ask a person who works there if they have any trees for a dollar.

437. Answer all questions with "21"
A/N- honestly if ya want to annoy me, do this.

438. Scream at the librarian and say "BE QUIET IT'S A LIBRARY".

439. Dress as Ariel from little mermaid and go into a sushi shop and say " they killed my friends!!"

440. Dress up like Harry Potter, go to a train station and ask random people "When is the next train to Hogwarts?"

A/N - Hey guys! So I want you guys to think of some cool ideas for this story. Whether its this to do or just a topic for a chapter! Comment ideas! ily guys so much! <3

-Maddie (ArianaAnubis)

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