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241. Walk up to a random person and say "Um, your sock is untied." Watch how many of them look down.

242. Put a bar of soap in the microwave and watch it puff up.

243. Congratulate everyone coming out of the bathroom stall.

244. Stare at a container of orange juice because it says to concentrate on the box.

245. When its snowing knock on your sisters door and sing "do you wanna build a snowman".

246. Throw a book at someone's face and say "You've been facebooked!"

247. Tell someone they dropped their pocket! then run away.

248. Sit at a bus stop with loads of other people and say " The Hogwarts Express should be here any moment now.."

249. Make clay people, and then stand them up in the middle of the road.

250. If someone bumps into yell " WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO RUUUUDE!!" at them.

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