
387 29 19

Happy Thanksgiving! ...unless your not from america in which today is just another random Thursday in your life....
Here are some things to do on Thanksgiving!....and just some other random things cause honestly i cant think of 10...oh well :|

341. Eat......just keep eating....and when you think you have had enough....eat more.

342. Dress up as a turkey and talk to people saying " Dayyum you so fine I could just GOBBLE you up. " - BajanCanadian on youtube

343. Wear khakis and a red shirt than go to target and lie down in the middle of an aisle.

345. !sdarwkcaB sihT daeR

346. Stuff your holiday turkey with another turkey.

347. When family tries to come in your house make them sing a song about pilgrims.

348. Make everyone at dinner wear paper pilgrim hats.

349. If people go back for seconds, aware them that only the VIP of food ( you ) can eat more.

350. Stuff an egg inside a turkey so when you cut it, it looked like it was pregnant. - @BVB_Panda

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