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181. Pretend your a spider and, climb on stuff, knocking everything down as you go. ( A/N -- so pretty much just be Kian Lawley.... Only he's not a spider, he's a crab...if you know what I'm talking about Great! if not......)

182. Start singing a random song in a public space, see how many people join.

183. Buy a donut and complain that there's a hole in it.

184. In the middle of a serious conversation, announce what color your toothbrush is.

185. During the silent part in a movie yell Red Robin and see who says YUM!

186. Whenever you hear a bird singing, jump up and shout "I LOVE THIS SONG". Then start dancing.

187. Text someone saying that you lost your phone.

188. Yell waiter in a fast food restaurant.

189. Annoy your teacher by pretending to text under your desk while type numbers on your calculator.

190. Stand in the middle of a crowded place and point up. Everyone will look.m

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