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101. Take a large cardboard box. Paint it to resemble a car. Take it through a drive-through.

102. Keep screaming after you get off a roller coaster even when it stops.

103. Go to MC Donald's and ask for a diet cheeseburger with a serious look.

104. Ask a vegetarian if they eat animal crackers.

105 Dress up as a cow, go into a butcher, and leave flowers at the beef and steak section.

106. Walk up to a random person hand them a briefcase and say "you know what to do" then walk away.

107. Put plastic wrap on a doorway and wait for people to walk into it.

108. Say, "I knew you were trouble when you walked in" to everyone that enters a store.

109. In a full elevator, say: "So, I bet y'all are wondering why I've gathered you here today.".

110. Make a unicorn horn, and sing: I CAME IN LIKE A UNICORN!

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