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This was supposted to go up yesterday...opps sorry I was/am sick .....oh well...Happy Valentines day everyone! So I spet my day doing nothing with friends cause.....um.....#loner. For you who don't have a bæ (damn I hate that word) here are some funny things to do on Valentines day!!! Warning...most of these will be bad puns and I am not sorry about it.

461. Go up to someone and say "If you were a transformer, you'd be optimus FINE."

462. Walk around with a pizza box telling people that you stole a pizza their heart.

463. Ask someone if they want to be your valentine because you don't wanna be OBAMA self.

464. Complain on how someone sent you a valentine that says "Happy Valentines Day from you know who." Scream "WHY IS VOLDEMORT SENDING ME VALENTINES!"

(A/N - I know I'm beautiful but please.)

465. Ask people if they want the D on Valentines day, then give them a bottle of 'Sunny D' orange juice.

466. Dress up like Bill Nye the Science guy and tell people that you have your ION them....

467. Tell people you have fallen for them and and you can't get up.

468. Eat a bunch of chocolate and cry

(A/N - Me)

469. If someone asks if you have a date for Valentines Day say "Yes February 14th"

470. On valentines day run up to a couple and say I thought you were trust worthy and run away crying.

1000 awesome things to do before you die!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant