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261. Dress up as a cat, hide in a tree, meow at anyone that passes by and watch their reaction.

262. Stare into your backpack at school and keep saying "you will NOT suffocate in my locker!!".

263. Tell your mum you have decided to be a cat when you are older

264. Go on top of your roof and shout repeatedly, "I AM UGLY AND I AM PROUD!". ( Comment if you know where this is from!)

265. Realize that if you do these things you will eventually be put in an asylum.

266. Buy some bread, toast it, and return it.

267. At Starbucks have your idem under the name of primrose and when they call you yell i volunteer.

268. End Everything you say with "In My Pants".

269. Tell somebody, "If you were a tree... you'd be a DAYMN good tree.."

270. Dress up as a creeper and go to a store and pretend to blow up.

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