
387 24 3

Welcome to PRANKMAS day 2! Wow 400 already!! Thats insane!! Ahhhhh Anyway the song that is up above (i think...) :| its my favorite thing ever and its Christmasy soooo.....yay!! <3 ILY!!

391. Make up inaproprite lyrics to classic holiday songs.

392. Paint your nose red and wear antlers. Constantly complain about how you never get to join in on the reindeer games.

393. Go Trick-Or-Treating on Christmas Eve. See If They Give You Candy Canes.

394. In a store, challenge people to duels with tubes of wrapping paper.

395. Go in the middle of the road and yell ALL I WANTED WAS A HIPPO FOR CHRISTMAS!

396. Steal something your Friend has and give them it back for Christmas.

397. On Christmas morning get up and do the hoe-down thrown-down in the middle of the street.

398. While decorating the house, stand in the yard and pretend to be a part of the Christmas decor.

399. One random day, paint yourself green. If anyone asks say that you want to be the christmas tree this year.

400. Try to wrap other people in wrapping paper and stuff them under the tree.

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