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Because ASDF Movies.
If you haven't seen asdf movies on youtube, look them up before you read this cause it will make more sense.

351. Punch people and yell level up!

352. Lay on a park bench and ever once and awhile yell " I like trains. "

353. Next time you go see your doctor, throw rainbow confetti at him/her, say nothing.


355. Steal peoples faces when they are sarcastic about your fashion choices.

356. At a school dance go on stage and yell "EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP!"

357. When someone asks you to a dance say "Im sorry but Im a ghost....." Then act like a ghost and run away.

358. When you meet new people say " Oh yes hello I am real man , Do you want to go skateboards?"

359. Next time you go shopping make a big deal in the parking lot that someone parked there car on your sandwich.

360. When someone says something sad throw a pineapple and say "SUDDENLY PINEAPPLES!"

A/N- I was rewatching all the asdf movies with my cousins and I thought I would do some funny things to do based on them! Credits for asdf go to Tomaska!

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