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361. When you have a sleepover, hold a pig and say " Its time to go now Mr.Bacon ", then show up 30 minutes later with a plate full of bacon. -@Secret_ninja_shh

362. In a crowded place yell, "Hey! YOU WITH THE PANTS ON" and see how many turn around.

363. Hide under beds at a mattress store and scare people.

364. If someone asks why your phone screen is cracked say,"I was playing five nights at Freddy's."

365. Tie a sponge to your forehead, when people ask why say "Spongebob wanted to see the world".

366. Go around telling people to watch out for the Baa Baa Black Sheep. (A/N - Yup he's a feisty one! That rebel :) )

367. Go to a random person, "Say your their biggest fan " and demand to take a selfie with them.

368. Let a chicken loose in KFC with a sign around it's neck saying: The End Is Near!

369. Be late for school and when your teacher asks you why say your goldfish drowned.

370. Finish every sentence with "in my pants".

1000 awesome things to do before you die!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt