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Hey guys! Wow it's been a long time since I've been on wattpad! But I am back, i hopee :/ School has been consuming my life so we'll see what happens. And to celebrate my come back this chapter is related to my favorite topic, FOOD.

541. Yell at your lunch box in the cafeteria for making you fat. (A/N So not true btw, your all perfection ;))

542. Go through a drive thru and when they ask ''may I take your order?'' say ''no''.

543. Walk/Drive through McDonald's and ask for a diet cheeseburger.

544. Dress up as Ariel and in the fish section of a supermarket, start crying.

545. Stare at someone with food when ever they take a bite yell ouch.

546. Film yourself eating, then put it in reverse!

547. Go to a fast food place and when they ask can I take your order, say "No, it's mine".

548. If someone says that onions are the only foods that make you cry, throw a coconut at their head.

549. Go to McDonalds and ask for directions to a place that serves real food (A/N - Ooo Harsh 😁)

550. Volunteer at a local food pantry to help fill some bellies this holiday! (A/N - gotta have a sincere one in there ever once and a while ☺️)

A/N - IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! Ok guys so if you remember last year around this time, I dis a week long uploading of Holiday themed chapters that I called PRANKMAS! Now a few days ago I sent out a message saying that I was interested in doing it, but only if ya'll want it! I spent a crraaapppp ton of hours on it last year and I know it will be even more stressful this year, but I want to give back for all the amazing things you guys have done for me over the years! Or should I just do one or two uploads around Christmas? Let me know if ya interested and comment ideas! I wanna have you guys more involved in the story!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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