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Merry Christmas Eve everyone!! I hope y'all are having a good holiday so far! ily! <3

411. If it snows, draw faces from the movie cars on peoples windshilds.

412. If you have ayoung sister, put your "ELf on a self" in her dolls bed.

413. Cover someones car in cotton balls dipped in water! They'll stick to anything if its cold!

414. Give someone a box filled with waterballons that have coins inside them.(And water oviously)

415. Make a christmass tree out of blown up rubber gloves and decorative orniments.

416. If someone wants an Ipad for Christmas, get them a pad with googly eyes on it.

417. Give Santa dog biscets instead of Christmas cookies.

418. Throw red m&m's at people and yell "RUDOLPH WON'T YOU GUIDE MY SLEIGH TONIGHT!!!"

419. :Give someone a box from an expensie jewery company and inside have a pice of paper that says " Ha ya right"

420. Give someone a toilet plunger and say that its a redneck bird feeder if you flip it upside down.

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