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251. When someone you dont know calls you, try to sell them insurence

252. When two people are talking, stand infrount of then and say "Sometimes I stand like this"

253. Go into the baby clothes section at Walmart and ask a random person if they thank that it will fit.

254. Walk up to a stranger and say a "The voices tell me to kill you." with your head sideways.

255. Play Russian Roulette with a loaded Nerf gun.

256. Go to a store and buy an adult diaper and give it to a random person.

257. If anyone tells you about there problems scream really loudly "MAKE SOME LEMONADE THEN!!.....". ( The best reason to become a therapist. )

257. In an empty elevator, put down a piece of paper saying " I ate your mother" Leave it there

258. Put socks on your cat's feet and watch it go nuts trying to get them off.

259. Go to the pet store and ask where the pet rocks are located.

260. Put your cat or dog on a dating site.

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