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Valentines day addition!!
I know its not valentines day but i wrote these then so...... here you go.
Happy V day from @americansaddlebred13

21. Walk into your classroom and shout " Happy singles awareness day!" - @KAYCOBEANS

22. Go up to random people and say " your grandma tastes like my grandma!" - @gymstar2000

23. Flirtatiously wave your eyebrows at random people in public.

24. If someone says " dude take a chill pill!" say " sorry I'm not supposed to mix my medications"

25. If someone says " expect the unexpected" slap them in the face and say " did you expect that?"

26. SOCK PUPPETS nuff said

27. Read divergent

28. Sing about pickles in a bus station

29. The next time someone says " take a chill pill" say " sorry bur i will be luke warm if i wanna be!" and walk way like a boss

30. Go on a date with a pencil at a movie, and when the person selling tickets says you only need to pay for one say " come on jeffery we're not welcome here" and walk away


Hey guys soooo.. idk what to say ....... 🌚

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