Chapter 27 . . .1 year later

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I graduated from Greenwood college four Months ago ,Everything is finally going good Amelia, Anna and I  found our selves a job that we are  interested in, So we decide to go after something in the book world . My career choice is book editing , Books editors are in the business of finding literary talent and then working with those writers to publish their books, and I love my Job. It's more Technical than how  I stated it but in a summary thats basically my Job.

 Amelia is a copy editor she works in various fields of media including newspapers, magazines, and websites and a lot more . Her Job is kind of the hardness but she doesn't make it bother her at all. 

Anna is a  Production Editor she views complex reports and other content for publication, in accordance and more and she as to learn at least 2 other language she's good at Spanish but French is what she hates the most also she search for books-for foreign publishers or film studios-to be published abroad, She Love's her job like crazy because she can stay home and even work and that is great considering she has baby  Isaac to maintain.

Renoir and I are Still together we have an honest amazing relationship we were bounded to be together we love reach other . We have our own house together now ,considering  I am 19 and he's 20 we thought it would be a great idea.  Renoir is working to become a lawyer and he's pretty good at it  so far.


Owenoir is out of the hospital but she's hardly remembering  anything but she knows who her family is and all that but just can't remember how exactly the accident happen with her getting shot  . she is  pretty much amazing , She look exactly like Renoir ,Renoir is over the moon that she's out and well. He is so over protective of her but she gets it although its kind of annoying to her. She is going though therapy because she's having trouble sleeping which is really sad .

My mom own's her own hospital now and I  am so  proud of her she also got her self a boyfriend is name is Patrick he's Cool and all but is daughter is a bitch she is 21 her name is Ashley "ugh!". . she thinks she has the right to boss me around like  we are blood sisters. When I am spending the weekends with mom I would often call Nia to spend it with me  just to get on my stepsister's  nerves because she hates Nia much more than she does me and Nia hate her even more because of that .

I love Nia a lot now  She's the best sister ever and I am having a baby sister next month and that is so exciting. Nia is now a fashion designer that owns her own company  and Trust me her designs are to kill for .

My Dad works in the mafia Now.. Kidding he's a soldier now and I am happy he changed his life and he actually stick around for both Nia and I .I love my Dad.

I forgave everybody and Now my life is complete




"Guys hurry and pick and Ice cream I want to see Isaac "Anna basically screamed at us.

"Okay okay we will have a chocolate and a cookie & cream  "Amelia and I said

We are at Ronnies ice cream shop ordering our ice cream. However I decided to purchase an ice cream along with an ice cream cake because the ice cream will totally finish way too fast .I have been  eating a lot but I guess It's just my Harmonies, most days I  feel dizzy ,Tired and I am often always hungry .I promise to see the doctor on Saturday because Renoir thinks something is wrong but I am sure nothing  is wrong  though maybe I just need to increase my intake of  water.

"You're getting fat are you like preg-" Anna said.

"I cut her off instantly  NO!! and don't say that word am 19 guys come one".

"Well your an 19 year old graduated from  college and accomplish a lot in life you make a Million a day you publish around 20 books a day and they all are trending on every app and at every book store I smile at how amazing my Job sounds and how hard I work and most of all you are having sex so"

"Will You shut up" I said as I blushed.

"Your boyfriend is the hottest lawyer in town ," They said while they laugh in chorus.

 "I still  don't think I am ready for a child right Now although I have the support and the finance ".

"Okay whatever, but guess what , your taking a pregnancy test !" Amelia and Anna Scream causing everyone to look over at our table  

"Will you keep your voice's down and No  I am so not taking it ".

"Umm yes you are, lets go use Roonies shop restroom " They ignore my -I am so not taking it . and started to drag me to the bathroom.

"Okay but don't be disappoint with the results" I said hoping its negative

"It's been a whole  Month your a dizzy your eating a lot and your boobs are so  big and your mood swings are so weird" 

"Come on Hayden stop acting like it hasn't come across your mine that your maybe pregnant"

"Okay I'll take it". . .


I went in the little private area , I pull my pants as I get and get ready to pee on the Pregnancy  test , I feel dumb doing it when I was finish covering my self I hand Anna the test as  I wash my hands  while we waited for about 5 minutes. Renoir called checking up on me ,I told him I toke a pregnancy test and he paused for a couple of seconds 

"O My f**king God!" The girls screamed dragging my attention to them.

"Why the hell are guys screaming for? . .

Because YOUR PREGNANT !!!!

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