Chapter 22: The ball and Rue's Natalem (P.t.2)

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*Rue's Pov*

I stood up and walked out not caring anymore that everyone had just witnessed this. At this point I was done with these people all I had gotten since being here was verbal abuse, physical abuse, being kidnapped,threatened, nearly dying multiple times and so many other unnecessary inconveniences.

Up until now I had held it in as best as I could trying not to show anymore weakness than I had need but it was becoming harder and harder. Ed had been a cruel teacher but had built me into a strong person. Yes his methods were wrong but we all make mistakes.

As I made my way through the halls the lights were dimmed to the point that they were practically off. But there was just the right amount of light for you to still see. the hall was empty and seeing as it was winter it was already getting darker outside.

I walked and walked until I got to the double doors that lead outside. We weren't meant to leave the school until the end of the day but I didn't want to stay here. I opened the doors and stepped outside.

It was a chilly afternoon with the sun shining- but not to its fullest - I could see people going about their day unaware of the drama that was going down in the building across the road from them.

I walked down the first pair of stairs and then the next before sitting down. I didn't want to go home for the fear of Stars getting angry with me, but I also couldn't stay in school.

My stomach churned whilst my brain was a whirlpool of thoughts fears, goals and a while lot more. I couldn't think straight and felt faint. What the hell was going on?

*Horacio's Pov- Aquafina's son*

Rue just walked out of the prandium praetorium and had left everyone else shocked.

"HOW dare SHE!!!" Screeched Crya.

Everyone was still looking up at the royal table where we were standing around the table, chairs pushed back and food long since forgotten about (and most likely cold).

"Well we wouldn't be in this situation of it wasn't for you Crya!" Bellowed McKenna who was fed up her and everything else.

" how is this my fault? She called me toxic,bratty and self-absorbed! I didn't call her any names! So tell me How is it my fault?! "

"Oh please it wasn't the names that pissed me off. No it was the fact you let go of the secret we have been trying to hide for the last two months! You know about her being from earth?!"

Realisation washed over her face for a second before it was replaced with annoyance.

"Well really it is not my fault someone was bowed to find out soon enough I just told them earlier."

" Haha very funny the reason we told no one was for this very reason! We didn't want to see our friend dead!"

"Of course you defend you best friend McKenna but that doesn't mean it is my problem. Whoops people now the big secret Boohoo."

" wow I knew you were heartless Crya but this is really low even for you, " announced Amarli.

"Oh please Amarli, not you too? Your meant to be my best friend,"

"Yes but if you continue to be like this the I am dropping you." She stated sternly.

Everyone who was at the royal table had gone back to talking (most likely about what has just happened) and eating their now cold good-looking if it had not been spilled onto the floor.

The tense at the table grew and grew as Crya, McKenna and Amarli stared at each other.

*Cough Cough*

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