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It's been a week since they got home. Sylvia had finally settled in and regained her cat's love; they never lost it, but we're definitely upset she left for so long. She was currently on her bed scrolling through Twitter when she got a call from Tommy. She blinked a few times, surprised he had called her. She clicked the green button on her iPhone.

"Hi, Tommy!" She greeted him.

There was silence for a bit but for the shaky breath from Tommy. He sounded upset.

"Tommy? Are you alright?"

He sniffled, "I can't do this. I need Opal."

"Aww, hey, it's okay. It's been a week." Sylvia rolled over on her stomach and kicked her feet in the air aimlessly.

"I didn't realize how much I needed her till I met her in person. Syl, I can't do this. I'm either coming there, or she's coming here. One or the other." He breathed out.

She thought aloud, "That's fair. It'd be cool if you came to the USA. You could make this big thing about "TommyInnit comes to the USA!" I'm sure thatta get clicks."

"This isn't a marketing trip." Tommy said dryly, "But that's a good idea. I mean, Minecon is in the USA too. I would love to stay..." He paused for a bit, "God, I hate this. Long-distance relationships suck ass."

"Yeah, they do..." Sylvia thought to Clay.

She could understand his pain, sure his distance was longer, but it still was essentially the same.

"Well, I guess I'm buying a ticket to America. God never thought I'd come to such a horrid place." He half-joked.

Sylvia nodded, "You know, it's not so bad. Well, at least Asheville. But we by far have some of the worst politi-"

Tommy cut her off, "At least you don't have big man Boris Johnson."

She grinned, "Nah, but we got Rudy Giuliani. Did you see that Borat thing? He nearly hooked up with Borat's daughter. Dude, I was sitting there like, 'How does is this man have any power at all.'"

"Oh, that's mad." He cringed.

"Belck, alright enough, enough. It makes me grossed out just thinking about some of the people that are given power." She shook her head in disgust.

Tommy smiled, "Fair enough. Well, I'm going to talk to my mother, try to convince her to let me come."

"Mhm, see you later, Tommy. Love ya."

"Love you too! Bye!" He hung up.

Sylvia turned back over onto her back. She peeled her cat George off of her covers to put him on her chest. He mewled at her, confused as to why he was moving. Once he was comfortable, he purred to sleep. Sam pounced onto the bed in a frisky mood. George perked his head up to see what was going on. Sam swatted at his brother then back up with his back arched in the air. Sylvia giggled at him. Her orange cat got up and tackled her white one.

"Aw, Georgie, be nice to Sam!" Sylvia laughed.

They chased each other out of the room.


👤 Sylviapenelopefox

👤 Sylviapenelopefox

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