Chapter Twenty Five

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Aster's Pov
The days actually leading up to the agreement was mainly filled with disagreement, mainly from Rose's part. I didn't think working with the wolves was all that bad. They were funny to some degree including me and Embry becoming friends super quickly.

He could crack vampire jokes that didn't fully make me hate myself, he also seemed to bring me cookies. I liked cookies, my favourite food. When, we had made it to the slightly clear like forest entrance with a few trees in the outskirts, me and Edward slip out of the jeep his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

He sniffed a few times before flicking his confused expression towards me.

"You smell like cookies." He commented, cracking a faint smile at me. A small burp left me and I laughed nervously like as we walked over to join the others.

"I had some left over cookies." I said casually a bit feeling him squeeze at my hand with a chuckle. The breeze rushed through my large bed of curls, it was relaxing. Jasper urged me over a bit looking me up and down placing his hand on my bump.

"You look bigger then a few days ago... My estimate would be as early as next week maybe?" He muttered flicking his eyes from me to Edward.

"Isn't the Army coming by next week." I stammered out a little looking between everyone.

"I'll delivery the baby myself if the baby decides to come out early Aster don't worry." Edward had reassured me, his hand giving my own a hard squeeze. It seemed we could all sense the presence turning around when paws against the forest ground echoed around.

Bella was with Jacob who was lingering near the rest of his pack. I shifted my eyes around to spot the familiar wolf colors, cracking a soft smile.

"Hey Em." I spoke quietly nodding my head at his wolf, he bowed his head over at me this soft look in his eyes. I felt Edward inch me closer to him, rubbing at my shoulders a bit.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward informed Carlisle. He must be reading their minds. I shifted a little kinda glad that the hoodie I was wearing hid my large stomach.

I watched Carlisle step towards them to start speaking laying my head on Edward's shoulder. A little bit of sleep sounded so nice right now.

Training was a lot longer today, but since it was the first time everyone wanted to make sure they had all the information they needed to fight and what not. I was sitting on one of the logs after Edward was doing another quick match with Emmett cuddling into my hoodie. A small nudge to my side had me freaking out slightly but I relaxed with a soft giggle.

"Oh hi Embry you scared me." I greeted his large wolf, hearing these small growls and what not, but his large eyes just held his usual expression. I wonder since I could talk to animals I should be able to talk to him with ease, but then again the pack wasn't animals they were human shifters.

He nudged my bump a bit with his large head resting his head on my lap. I let a small laugh out in awe scratching behind his ears with a soft smile.

"How cute, who would ever guess you were a softy hmm?" He let a small grumble out nudging me again, I just kept rubbing at his head enjoying the very increasing warmth from him. Like I didn't know wolves were so warm.

Embry finally lifted his head up for a moment growling, I lifted my head up also relaxing a bit when I saw Edward staring at Embry with a slight annoyed look calling out.

"Done for the day." I rubbed at his head a bit before he licked my face with his long tongue causing me to crack up laughing at the rough feeling.

"Ew gross Em!" I exclaimed, my hands rubbing at my wet cheeks with little giggles, trying to make sure my hair didn't get messed up in the process as well. My hair was already annoying to deal with.

His wolf body was shaking as he walked off, shaking his tail out a little as well, soon to join the rest of the pack leaving. Sam monitoring them.

Edward finally stood in front of me helping me up, a small little grunt released from my lips feeling him holding both my hands.

"I'm amazed by you everyday. You seem to always keep a clear head and be calm even in near death experiences happening." Was the first word that slipped from his mouth, before he paused speaking again.

"Hey when we get home.. Wanna take a bath?" He questioned I gave him a small look silently chuckling as I gazed up at him.

"You mean like together? I don't think you'll fit but it doesn't sound like a bad idea with Apple scented candles and bubble bath." He chuckled walking along side me.

"More or so you smell like wet dog." I choked on a hard snort staring at him in amusement.

"Embry is a good friend- at least he isn't so straight forward like Jacob, and Bella who keeps side eyeing me every six minutes." I shook with laughter placing my free hand on my bump a couple times rubbing it slowly.

"Plus- he gives me really really yummy cookies that can't compare to anything else." I laughed at the quick face Edward had, it was a little nice to see him have an emotion besides worry in his eyes.

"So cookies is also the key to your heart? I think I can learn how to make some." I made a face through my laughter walking along with him towards the jeep.

"You know being half human sometimes is amazing as hell."

"Yeah you have some interesting dreams, being chased by cookies,"

"Shut up Edward."

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