Chapter One

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Aster's Pov
I never quite truly understood myself. But on the contrary, I know that others wouldn't quite understand me either. That's just the world we live in I'm afraid.

I never put in much thought into how I was gonna die, and I'm not entirely sure you can say I died. But then the other handful can say for a fact I died.

At the age of nice age of seventeen, I stopped aging. Just fully stopped. I was a normal child, had a normal mom, normal dad, but I notice one small detail in my life.

I grew up way too fast. One day I was one year old the next I'm five then ten, then fifteen and then finally seventeen. Did I ever question it? No, because I didn't understand the world I lived in.

For one, my adopted family was vampires. Two I cared for and loved them so much, but could they explain me? I think not.

"Aster why are your emotions all over the place." The sudden call of my name brought me from my thoughts. Feeling the pitter-patter of the light rain hitting down on my clothes, and face, making my curly hair, way more frizzy and messy.

I blinked my hazel eyes that had a small hint of gold to them when the light and sun hit it, forcing my heart to stop beating just when I am around them.

I give Jasper a bashful smile, shifting on the hood of Emmett's Jeep, watching all my siblings.

Alice, and Jasper in their world, Rosalie, and Emmett in their own. Back home Esme and Carlisle. Everyone had their mate, all expect me and Edward of course.

His name sending a strange frenzy in my mind. "Oh I'm okay Jas, just having thoughts again, not ready for another school year," I answered knowing if I didn't. He was gonna bug me all day even making Edward poke all into my brain and whatnot.

"Tell me about it, the day hasn't even started yet, and I wanna go back home." Emmett gruffed out keeping his arms wrapped around Rosalie who was stroking his arms up and down.

"Maybe it will be better, we never know," I answered for them seeing Alice giggle. "Amen, listen to Aster." She exclaimed at everyone

I cracked another grin enjoying the time spent with my siblings. But Edward was missing, where is he? I thought to myself.

I jolted when I felt a hand grab at my arm making me look straight into Edward's eyes, his lips cracking a small side smile.

He greeted everyone before flashing his smile back at me.

"Sorry guys I promised Esme I wouldn't let Aster be late for class, I'm walking her." He announced, helping me slide off the hood, keeping his hand gripped onto me tightly, but not enough to hurt since I still bruise easily.

I hid all the little things that made me still half-human, the eating, the sleeping, my heartbeat, the blood flow. I had to hide it all, and mask it with the vampire side.

It was extremely hard to make my heart stop beating when around them. Or fake eat at the table with them.

When I sat with my friend Angelica and her gossiping friends Jessica and Lauren. I could eat a little, and be human.

Would I be treated the same if I explained to my very different family that I was still human, and also a vampire? Is that even possible?

It was even harder with my gift. My gift of talking to animals. We lived in a house surrounded by trees and woods, it was my sanctuary of gold.

Waving goodbye to everyone. Edward picked up my backpack and held my hand in his walking me inside the school without any protest or any side remarks.

When I was turned? I think was the correct word to use, Edward was very protective over me. Esme brought me to there house one day when she found me at the age of fifteen.

At the time she didn't question much and neither did. I was the same height 5'2. I still had the round like chubby adorable cheeks, my hazel eyes, black short curls that fell against my neck.

I still had my human self, my brown skin. I was alive is what I told myself in my mind. When around Edward I would always switch my thoughts around as much as possible.

Sometimes they were about him. I didn't understand why my much older adopted vampire brother was on my mind, making me smile, making me flustered it wasn't normal at all.

"Let me see your schedule butterfly?" I heard him ask me once we made a stop to my locker.

"You know Edward, you don't have to do stuff like this," I told him with a soft smile, grabbing the folded up schedule from my pocket handing it to him, our fingertips linking with one another.

"It's bad enough the whole school thinks we're dating." I pointed out stuffing my hands in the pocket of my skinny jeans. A small breathless chuckle left him, his eyes not leaving the paper as he scanned it.

"Like I care about what the people of Forks High think, they've been thinking that for a year now, like that will happen ." He chuckled and for some reason, it sent a sting to my heart, but I pushed it aside chewing at my lower lip.

"I care what they think Edward, you guys get stares, but I get then the worse, the judging, sometimes race remarks, I care," I whispered to him watching his concerned eyes gaze at me.

He sighed lifting my chin up. "Aster, you shouldn't care what they think, only what you think matters okay?" He told me gently what he and everyone else don't know.

Even my own thoughts don't matter, but I wasn't gonna let Edward see that. "Alright," I answer to him watching him smile his breathtaking smile, pinching my cheeks, his cold fingertips leaving my skin

"That's my girl, come on you have a class with me, history." He explained picking my backpack up.

Once again I started trailing alongside him, feeling like a lost puppy. This school year might just really really suck.

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