Chapter Ten

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Aster's Pov
I truly don't understand how in a life or death situation at the moment. I could be so bored, it honestly made no sense to me at all. But here I was in the garage of the house watching everyone frantic move around with one plan in mind. Get Bella to safety all because of one problem.

She was human, James the vampire at the field was a hunter had Bella's scent and now she was in danger, if she died I would have to deal with the very fatal consequences of his loss.

"Aster, don't think like that." He grumbled walking past me holding Bella's hand towards one of the cars.

"What it's true," I grumbled back folding my arms. I leaned back across the small counter matching the same glare that Rosalie had across her face.

I told all of my family before I wanted nothing to deal with all of this, and here I was still dealing with all this.

"Here Rosalie, I need you and Esme to wear this to bare Bella's scent and Aster, I need to you go with Jasper and Alice and her," Edward called out tossing two jackets at them who caught it.

"Why? What does she mean to me?" Rosalie snapped out tossing the jacket to the side.

"Rose, Bella is family, and we protest family," Carlisle whispered to her sternly she looked defeated for a moment before she took the jacket.

"No Edward, I already said I wasn't gonna have any parts in this, have you been listening to my thoughts at all huh?" I snapped out at him.

He gripped the car door tightly sighing loudly, and slowly shut Bella's door before coming over to me. He grabbed both my hands in his holding them before he placed his forehead on mine.

"Butterfly please." He whispered his voice cracking just at the slightest. "Don't even do it for her, but for me." He pleaded to me his sad gold eyes stared into my own hazel eyes. Both of us whispering hushedly to one another where only we could hear.

He looked broken and it wasn't something I didn't like seeing on him at all. I breathed out a soft sigh before slowly nodding. "Okay... But it's for you okay?" I mumbled, "thank you?" He whispered back he kissed my forehead pulling away.

I moved around him getting into the back of the car giving as much space as I could between me and Bella leaning on my first looking out the window a little.

All this love business it's better I have kept my distance the way I have been.

Faintly it felt amazing to feel the sun of Jacksonville across my skin. My skin sparkles only slightly and it was beautiful the least in my opinion.

I glanced to my side to watch Alice and Jasper talking in the kitchen with one another. I had no idea where Bella was but I knew for a fact, she was still here.

Her scent was all over. I leaned against the glass screen door a little and played with a butterfly ring on my pointer finger hearing a small clearing of the throat.

I leaned my head a bit. "What do you want? You have a few minutes." I called out watching Bella awkwardly shuffle on her feet.

"I just wanna know, what I did to make you hate me so much?" She questioned greatly confused.

I let a small scoff out. "Hate is a strong word, I don't particularly like you, but." I shrugged. "You-" "you have something I wish I had." She quickly called out making me look at her confused.

"Huh? What could I possibly have?" I pondered turning to face her. She looked at me.

"Y-your relationship with Edward, isn't like me and him, yes we kiss, and our a couple, but you too are more intimate, like a connection." She whispered to me.

I opened my mouth to stop her but she spoke again. "Just, please... Keep your distance, I love Edward more then anyone could know." She whispered to me.

I stood up straight looking at her in disbelief. "You have got to be fucking kidding me? Your joking right, you've known him what a few months? I've known him for years, Bella. Just because you may be his mate, remember this you can never, and I mean never be like me." I told her looking at her with so much of a displeasing feeling.

She took a step back looking at me "I don't have to be like you, cause I already am me, and because of me Edward loves me." She called out again.

I took a threatening step towards her. But watch as Alice and Jasper came back out the time passing by quickly.

I didn't quite listen all the way because I was pissed off.

I played with my ring more shifting on my converse hearing Bella on her phone. And I knew it wasn't good at all.

She was acting so fucking dumb. I didn't wanna be blamed for her getting killed.

Once I saw her sneak out. I called out to Jasper and Alice that I was hunting before keeping my sight clear sneaking out before following Bella all the way out, the hotel, taking my hoodie off leaving me in a small long sleeves shirt and some skinny jeans.

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