Chapter 28- Will

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"Where were you?" I yelled at my oblivious clone as I set the Jack Daniel's down onto the table. The words of a song on the radio played in the background. Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door. Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before....

"With Paige. Duh." He shrugged me off. How dare he shrug me off.

"And why are you with that fucking bitch? Don't you know they're all the same?" I followed Kurt as he attempted to walk away. "They all break your heart!"

"Paige is not like that." He turned to me. Fury was practically steaming off of him. "You do not know her."

"I don't need to know her! Every girl sucks you in, makes you love and when they're done with their games, they break your heart. Maybe she'll even stomp on it while she can." I pointed to the boy and laughed.

"You don't know that." He shook his head. I pitied the poor boy. How blinded in denial was my baby brother. "Have you at least tried to talk to Dana since she kicked you out of the apartment?"

"Of course not. Her gay army would beat my ass." I staggered back to the table and took another swig from the bottle. "And she didn't kick me out! It was that flamingo brother of hers."

"Sure it was." He took me by the arms and led me into my bedroom. Pushing me down onto the bed, Kurt left saying, "Now get some sleep, Drunky."

"Don't tell me what to do..." I muttered as the darkness overtook me.

My eyes opened in shock, "Shit! I'm late!"

Not bothering to change out of yesterday's clothes, I grabbed my backpack and ran out of the house. Once I got there, I figured that there wasn't enough time to even try going to my art class, so I wandered the campus and waited to go to geometry. Reality hit in as I realized I wouldn't be able to text the brunette beauty that invaded my thoughts next class. My feet hit the pavement as I ran to the music building. Pressing my ear to the door, only the sounds of a lone piano was heard. Slowly, I creaked the metal door open and strided in.

Dana, my fiery love, sat at the instrument. Her fingers brushed upon the ivory keys as she played her song. There was no music to be seen, only her closed eyes. Being as quiet as I could, I walked over to the girl. Minutes later, the music came to a soft end and she turned her body towards me.

"So where is the band?" I asked, finally letting my presence be known.

"Field trip." She sighed. "Now what do you want?"

"I didn't know you played piano." I quickly changed the topic. "Please, play something."

She rolled her eyes and went back to her original position facing the large instrument. Her fingers once again danced along the keys as an upbeat yet solemn tune flowed out. My body swayed to the beats, enjoying the art she had graced upon my ears. It seemed like she had only just started when the girl hit the last key. "There, I played. Now will you leave me alone."

"No way." I walked closer to Dana. "I thought you said you couldn't play anything!"

"No, I told you that I couldn't be in band. Never said anything about piano." She shrugged. "And I didn't want to help the sour notes this school calls a choir."

"You have got to keep playing." If looks could kill, I would most certainly be dead by now. "Oh come on, please. Just one more song. I want to hear you play from the heart this time."

"And I wasn't the last time?" She exclaimed. "All songs require heart."

"Then, I don't know, play something that makes you think of me. If you aren't scared of doing that at least." I smirked and ran my fingers through my bed head.

She furrowed her brows and determinedly said, "I will. As if you'll actually care."

It started soft, barely hearable; slowly it grew louder. Dana closed her eyes as her fingers flew over the keys, knowing instinctively which to push and which not. The hopeful melody flowed throughout the air, filling the room with its beautiful sounds. I looked in awe at the green eyed girl as she focused on the task at hand.

Before I could realize what was happening, Dana had finished and turned to face me. "So how did you like it?"

"That was beautiful. Mind my asking but, what does that mean about... us?"

She shot up from the bench, "You really are an idiot, aren't you?" Tears started to form, "I fucking love you, you damn asshole."

"Dana..." I grabbed her arms and help them to her sides, "I love you too, you fucking obnoxious nerd."

I pushed my lips to hers in the heat of the moment. She stiffened at first contact but soon softened and returned the kiss. I felt spark fly as we held our position. She pulled away first and let me look upon the deep red blush upon her face.

"So..." I cleared my throat nervously, "Does this mean you've forgiven me?"

I looked deeply into her eyes. Those emerald green eyes shone brighter than I had ever seen them before. Patiently I waited for her inevitable answer.


The attached video is actually the first song Dana plays for Will. The second one is ThePianoGuy's version of A Thousand Years. Photo is Curt, Dana's flamingo brother. :P

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