Mr Hofferson, sir

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Set during race to the edge.
Hiccup and Astrid are dating.
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"Astrid, are you sure this is a good idea?" Hiccup worried.

"Hiccup, will you relax?" Astrid suggested as her boyfriend paced back and forth across the cove.

"Relax?! Astrid, I'm about to tell Mr. Hofferson, the second most intimidating man on Berk that I am betrothed to his only daughter without first asking for his permission..." Hiccup began to ramble.

"The first being, Stoick?" Astrid thought, to which Hiccup nodded.

"I mean telling my father is gonna be scary enough but..."


"Your father is a completely different story..."

"Hiccup..." She tried again.

"I mean, my father loves you, he always has. You're the daughter he always wanted. But, your father hates me, ever since I beat you in dragon training."

"You only won because you cheated." The blonde defended.

"He's going to kill me."

"Hiccup!" Astrid grasped him by the shoulders and shook him gently in an attempt to snap him out of his thoughts. "Breathe, he is not gonna kill you. But it's better that he hears it from us and not the twins."

"Ugh! Why do you have to be right about everything?" Hiccup groaned.

"I'm Astrid." She shrugged, letting out a slight chuckle. "I'll be by your side the whole time. I promise."

"Can I at least say goodbye to Toothless before we go?" Hiccup pleaded, with the most adorable pout on his face.

"Don't be such a Drama Queen." Astrid rolled her eyes playfully at her boyfriend's almost childish behavior. He just continued to flutter his eyes at her. "You're being ridiculous!"

"Tell my father I love him."

"You can tell him yourself when we see him at dinner." Astrid reminded. Hiccup huffed. He had completely forgotten that Astrid had arranged a private dinner with the chief to tell him the news. Now, traditionally the chief would be the first to know, but Hiccup wasn't really one for tradition and telling Mr. Hofferson first definitely seemed like the safer option. Of course, they were running out of time. It was only a matter of time before Snotlout or the twins spilled the beans, or they got caught. They weren't exactly the slyest couple on the island.

Astrid took Hiccup by the hand and dragged him towards her hut.

"Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad." Astrid called to her parents as she and Hiccup entered the hut. "Hiccup and I need to talk to you about something."

"It's about time!" Her mother squealed with excitement.

"Wait? You know?" Hiccup worried.

"That you two are dating?" Mrs. Hofferson checked. "Well, when you kissed him after the episode with the Red Death we assumed it was just a matter of time. We were honestly expecting it a long time ago. When you moved to Dragon's Edge we assumed it would be a matter of weeks. But alas, here we are a year later."

"And you're both okay with this?" Astrid thought as she finally glanced in her father's direction. He didn't look angry or upset. His expression remained stoic and here Hiccup thought that was his father's job.

"So when's the wedding?" He asked with the same vacant expression on his face.

"I - Well, I..." The auburn-haired Viking stuttered nervously. "Astrid?" He turned to his girlfriend, who had folded her arms, and took a step back to watch her unassuming, heroic dragon rider of a boyfriend fall to pieces in her father's presence. She couldn't help but find it funny how nervous he had been since they had returned from Dragon's Edge. "Care to help me out here?"

"Sorry, Babe. This is all you." She smirked mischievously, shrugging her shoulders.

"Perfect." Hiccup rolled his eyes sarcastically before turning back to Mr. Hofferson whose glare was slicing through him like warm yak butter. "Look, we aren't getting married any time soon." He explained.

"You don't want to marry my daughter?" He scowled. "Now that you're Mr popular she's not good enough for you, great dragon master?!" The large man hissed.

"Dad!" Astrid gasped. "We aren't getting married yet because I'm not ready, and Hiccup respects that."

"It's okay, Astrid." Hiccup assured, planting a small kiss on her forehead before turning back to his frighteningly large future father-in-law with a newfound confidence he definitely didn't have just a few moments ago. He had faced some of the largest and fiercest dragons in the known Viking world. Not to mention dragon hunters from all over the archipelago. He got the fearless Astrid Hofferson to fall head over heels in love with him. He was the future chief of Berk for Thor's sake. Arnold the Audacious was not going to scare him now. "Look I may not be your favorite person or the perfect boyfriend but I love your daughter."

"And I love him," Astrid added, clinging tightly to Hiccup's arm almost childishly.

"I always have and I always will. And nothing that you say or do is going to change that."  Hiccup linked his hand with hers and their fingers locked tightly together as if it were the last time they would hold hands. "I told her and now I'm telling you. There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid." The blonde leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. He subconsciously wrapped his arm around her. Astrid's mother couldn't help but smile at her daughter's happiness. Astrid was never the most affectionate person on Berk. This side of her was a new sight, even to her parents.

"And if I won't bless the marriage?" Mr. Hofferson wondered.

"Arnold!" His wife hissed.

"Dad?!" Astrid shrieked

"Then I promise to do whatever it takes to get you to change your mind." Hiccup smiled. "You won't get rid of me easily, Mr. Hofferson, sir. I'm in it for the long run." He smiled down at his girlfriend as she hummed contently.

"Well, then I guess I have no choice..." Astrid's father grasped Hiccup's shoulder, earning an obvious gulp from the skinny rider. Astrid's grip tightened considerably around Hiccup's waist, protectively. "But to welcome you to the family!"

"Wait, what?!" Both teens gasped.


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