Stuck With You

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Set during Mi Amore Wing... Astrid is mad at Hiccup but he doesn't know why. Set at the Edge.

Requests are welcome x


"Are you kidding me?!" Astrid bellowed as she lifted her hand to find it handcuffed to Hiccup's.

"Tuff, get these things off of us!" Hiccup scolded.

"Right. About that..."

"Belch swallowed the key last week," Ruffnut explained.

"Ugh, forget it!" Astrid growled. "Stormfly!" She called. The Nadder shot a magnesium blast across the chain of the cuffs. Nothing.

"Dragon proof?! Why do you have dragon-proof chains?" Hiccup asked.


"It doesn't matter. Somebody get the Changewing Acid!" Astrid ordered.

"Uhh, about that... we sorta exhausted our last bottle last week," Fishlegs explained, backing away to a safe distance. "Snotlout and I can go and get more, but until then..."

Tuffnut let out a snicker.

"Tuff, this isn't funny, okay. You could not have picked worse timing!" Hiccup scowled.

"Yeah, no kidding!" Astrid huffed.

"No. I uh-" Hiccup hesitated as his free hand got lost in the back of his hair.

"You what?" Heather wondered.

"I have to go to the bathroom, okay?!" He snapped.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Astrid sighed.

"Go and get that acid!" Hiccup ordered.

"We're not gonna hurry." Snotlout admitted. "You two know what you need to do."


Heather and the twins fought back their laughter as they stood outside the outhouse.

"Promise you won't look," Hiccup asked.

"Hiccup, my eyes are closed! Can you just hurry this up?"

"Okay, okay." He sighed. "Forgive me for being nervous."

"It's not getting any less cramped in here."


When Hiccup was finally done, Astrid practically burst through the door, dragging Hiccup behind her.

"Now what do we do?" Hiccup wondered.

Astrid said nothing and just sauntered towards the forge outside Hiccup's hut. She grabbed a small metal rod and attempted to pry the cuffs open.

"Astrid, it's not gonna work." Hiccup explained.

"I am not listening to anything you have to say." She growled.

"Fine, by all means, continue." Hiccup sighed in defeat.

"Ugh!" Astrid tossed the rod over the deck.

"It's fine, that wasn't important."

Astrid leaned down, forcing Hiccup to his knees. She tucked the chain beneath her foot and attempted to yank her hand out. When that didn't work, she attempted to wriggle her hand free, contorting it in the strangest of positions. But alas, nothing worked. She let out a growl as her fist collided with the forge table, in frustration.

"Astrid, will you relax?" Hiccup suggested. Astrid glared at him, similarly to when he beat her in dragon training. It was a glare he had only seen the once and it tore through his very soul like a Whispering Death burrowing through the ground. She jerked her hand towards her, forcing Hiccup closer. Her hand grasped his tunic and brought his face impossibly close to hers.

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