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Okay, remember in Defenders of Berk episode Cast out, when Snotlout almost killed Astrid and Hiccup lost it. Well, I thought that was the sweetest Hiccstrid moment in Defenders of Berk so, I'm bringing it back. Set during season 5 of RTTE (but I still feel like Astrid would have the HTTYD 2 look so do with that what you will).


"Ambush!" Fishlegs called, as Gobber, Mulch, Bucket, and Hoark all shot their catapults in the rider's direction. A training technique they were all too familiar with by now.

"Plasma blast, Bud," Hiccup ordered his dragon, who destroyed the boulder heading straight for them as Meatlug swallowed another. More men emerged from the bushes with even larger catapults.

"Fall back, everyone," Hiccup commanded, turning away. "There's too many of them. We need to regroup." The others all followed him, except one.

"Hiccup, you should know by now. Falling back is not an option." Snotlout scoffed. "Leave this to the Snotman. We're going in to finish this."

"Snotlout, that is not the exercise." Hiccup frowned. "Retreat!"

Snotlout of course, ignored him as he always did and shot towards the catapult, causing it to fire a large boulder. Hiccup thankfully dodged it, Astrid wasn't so fortunate as it knocked her off of her dragon and sent her plummeting towards the ground.

"Not again." Hiccup growled as Toothless darted to catch up with her. "Astrid!" She knocked into multiple tree branches, knocking her out and Toothless caught her, mere inches from the ground.


Astrid let out a pained groan as she awoke on the ground to find Hiccup knelt by her side.

"What?" She rasped, drowsily as she sat up, holding her head in an attempt to stop the world from spinning around her. "What happened?"

"Shh, just take it easy." Hiccup suggested as Snotlout landed close by, cheering at his victory. He glanced around at every scowling at him. Hiccup's face was redder than ever and his hands were balled into fists.

"Why are you all looking at me? What could I have possibly done this time? It was Hiccup's stupid exercise!" He protested.

"Snotlout, you almost got Astrid killed!" Hiccup snarled. "Again!"

"Oh come on. She's fine. She's Astrid." He gestured. "The woman is unbreakable." Hiccup spun around at the painful hiss coming from behind him.

"Umm, I wouldn't be so sure about that Snotlout," Fishlegs noted. Astrid kicked off her boot and grasped her ankle tightly.

"Astrid?" Hiccup worried as he slid on his knees to her side.

"Hiccup, my ankle." She winced. He gently moved her hand away to find the bones seriously disfigured. Hiccup growled under his breath.

"Wait, does this mean Snotlout's grounded again?" Ruffnut wondered.

"Yes, Ruff that's exactly what it means." He confirmed.

"Oh please, suspending me didn't work last time what makes you think-" Snotlout was cut off by Hiccup.

"Just get out of my sight!" He snapped.

"Fine." Snotlout huffed climbing onto Hookfang's back, though the Monstrous Nightmare refused to move an inch. "Hookfang?!" The Stoker class dragon tossed his rider off his back and into a nearby tree. "Okay, what was that about?"

"Snotlout, this is a new low. Even for him." Fishlegs explained.

"Whatever! Lazy dragon." He muttered. "I'll just walk back to Berk."

"Hiccup." Astrid almost whimpered. "It hurts." She whispered so the others couldn't hear her.

"I know." He nodded. "Try not to move."

"Uh, Hiccup. This might be the obvious question but shouldn't we get her to Gothi?" Fishlegs questioned.

"Not until we know it's safe for her to move. She took a pretty hard hit." Hiccup explained. "Fishlegs, Ruff, Tuff. Get back to the village and tell Gothi we're coming. Make sure you find Astrid's parents and tell them too." They all nodded and headed off to do as asked, taking Hookfang with them, leaving only Astrid and Hiccup.

"I'm gonna kill him." Astrid scowled.

"Yeah, not if I kill him first." Hiccup frowned. "Where else does it hurt?" He asked her, checking her over thoroughly.

"Just my head..." She mentioned, earning a small kiss on the forehead. "And here." She leaned back on her hand, pulling the side of her shirt up a little to reveal a large bruise where the boulder had impacted her.

"Okay, do you think you can stand?" He asked her. She nodded and reached out her hands. Hiccup took her by the arms and gently pulled her up as she balanced on her left leg. She hissed loudly and paused for a second, gripping Hiccup's arms. "Okay, I know. Just take it slow." He suggested. "Here." Hiccup placed her arms on his shoulders for balance as he helped her back into her boot. "Bud, a little help?" He called to his Night Fury who raced over and stood behind Astrid, bowing his head to allow her to sit on his back and swing her good leg over. Hiccup mounted behind her and gestured for Stormfly to follow.


"Hey, what did Gothi say?" Fishlegs wondered as Hiccup sauntered into the arena with Astrid on his back.

"Three broken bones in her foot, a broken rib, and a concussion." Hiccup explained. "Astrid's out of commission for the next six weeks."

"She wasn't exhibiting any signs of a concussion?" Fishlegs thought.

"Yeah well, the fact that she threw up seven times at Gothi's was a pretty good indicator." He mentioned as he helped Astrid to the ground. "Where's Snotlout? He wondered.

"Last time I saw him, he was getting dragged through the plaza by his ear," Fishlegs explained. "Astrid's parents really weren't happy."

"Perfect and the twins?" Hiccup asked. Fishlegs glanced over his shoulder to Hookfang's cage.

"No, I told you it needs to go higher!" Tuffnut scowled at his sister.

"Redecorating Snotlout's alcove. Okay." Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm gonna take Astrid home to get some rest." He explained as he turned to see the blonde laying on the floor attempting to fall asleep. "We're heading back to the edge first thing tomorrow."

"Okay, great. I'll tell Snotlout."

"No." Hiccup declined. "Fishlegs, we're going back to the Edge. Snotlout is staying here until further notice."

"Hiccup, I know what he did was wrong but-"

"Astrid could've died today. She almost lost her leg and he couldn't care less. This is not up for discussion. He's staying." Hiccup scowled as he helped Astrid up again, scooping her onto his back as she drifted off against his shoulder.

"HE DID WHAT?!" Stoick's voice echoed across the island of Berk. Hiccup just smiled knowingly. "SNOTLOUT!"


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