Ruff, Tuff & Hiccstrid in the morning

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"Good Morning Dragon's Edge!" Tuffnut cheered through the Thunder Ear in the early hours of the morning. The really early hours.

"It's Ruff..." His sister announced.

"And Tuff and..."

"Hiccstrid, in the morning!!!" They both cheered.

"Hiccup, do we really have to do this?" Astrid groaned sleepily, rubbing her eyes in her foggy morning state.

"Astrid, you know they won't give up until they get what they want, so let's just get this over with." Hiccup suggested.

"Ughhh." She whined, flopping against Hiccup's shoulder as they sat on a couple of barrels close by.

"So, Hiccup, Astrid? Just how long was this secret relationship blossoming behind our backs?" Ruffnut questioned.

"Are all the questions gonna be this grating?" Hiccup wondered. Tuffnut grabbed his papers and flicked through them.

"Yes." He admitted.

"Fine, a week."

"What is your favorite thing that you do as a couple?" Tuff asked.

"Flying." Hiccup told them.

"Astrid?" Ruff checked. No response. "ASTRID!" The blonde almost flinched, almost.

"Mmm." She groaned as she slowly reached down towards her boot, pulling out the dagger that Hiccup had made for her.

"Woah!" Hiccup instinctively grabbed the blade from her hand before she decided to hurl it towards the twins. "Maybe murdering the twins isn't the best idea." He thought.

"So, Astrid?" Ruff continued, completely ignoring the previous minute. "Your favorite thing you do with Hiccup?"

"Mmm, sleeping." She rasped, subconsciously nuzzling closer and closer to said boyfriend. The twins stood staring at the young couple for just a moment too long.

"Sparring! She likes sparring." Hiccup corrected, defensively.

"Okay, question, numero dos," Tuffnut announced. "What's the most annoying thing about the other?"

"What?" Hiccup scowled. "Nothing. There is nothing. Are we done yet?"

"Nah-uh. You have to say something." Ruffnut ordered.

"Fine, she's stronger than me." Hiccup fibbed. It didn't really bother him. He was used to it. And honestly found it rather attractive.

"Astrid?" Tuffnut questioned. "The most annoying thing about Hiccup?"

"He wouldn't let me bring my axe." She yawned.


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