Chapter 16

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Vio's POV

           "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you o---" I stopped dead in my tracks. I had a youtube crush on Preston, yeah, but I hadn't told Kat about my crush on the youtuber, Deadlox.  And I had just seen his face from under his hair. I had just dropped my bag on Deadlox! Holy shit! Like god's shit!

        "It's ok, no need to apoligize," He said looking into my eyes, which were as wide as an apple I bet. He said something, but I couldn't hear him. I was so embarresed that I had done that!

Kat's POV

        "Is she ok?" Deadlox said after he saw Vio stare at him. I honestly had no idea, so I just shrugged. Would she be ok is a silly question with Vio. A better question would be "Is this normal". I then could have said no.

        "I have no idea. Can you help me get her into the window seat?" I had gotten out of my seat and put her bag into the overhang. I just needed her into the seat. I also asked so that if she was ok, she would have complained at the request, but she didn't, so I'm just slightly worried.

        "Sure." We both grabbed her limbs and moved her into her seat. When she was in her seat in a somewhat sitting positioning, I learned that Deadlox was in the seat nex to us. During the whole ride Vio was asleep and I was chatting with Ty. At the end of the ride, I had gotten Vio up after we stopped and we had left. The one thing she didn't yet know, was that I had his number. I would tell her when we got home.

a/n Hey dooooooooooods!!!! When I woke up and checked this story, I saw that I had about 20 extra veiws, and it just made my day! I had to get an upload out today, because I'm going to an eye docter to go get glasses. :/ Well I have to say Thank you! Vote, comment, and fry Ty's liver and feed it to Vio. BYE!!!!!!

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