Chapter 18

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*Warning: Hate triggers.*

Kat's POV

        I had my hand over Vio's mouth, because if she screamed, I didn't need to go apologize to the neighbors at 1 A.M. "Vio, if you scream I swear I'll delete his number before you can get it."

        "Too late," she mumbled into my hand. I spent so much time blackmailing her, that I didn't notice she put his contact in her phone."Your not going to scream if I take my hand away, right?" I asked, still concious of the fact that Vio still had a phangirl face on. She nodded her head hastily, most likely wanting to call him as soon as I let go.

        I let go of my hand from her mouth. She sat up and ran, having both of our phones in her hands. "VIO!!! THAT'S MY PHONE!" I screamed. Who cares if I need to apologize to the neighbors. I can't live without three things. My computer, phone, and food. I ran upstairs to Vio's room. I opened the door to find Vio on the bed with the phone to her ear. I snatched it out of her hand. I mouthed that I should probably tell him I gave her his number.

        "Hello? Who is this?" He said, confused since I didn't call from my phone. Vio's eyes were practically begging me to put it on speaker, but being little stubborn me, I didn't.

        "Hey, is this Ty?" I asked. "Ya. Who are you?" he asked, more firm this time.

        "It's Kat, from the plane." I said hopping to remind him of who I am. "Oh, hey Kat. What's up?" His voice seemed more at ease, when he knew who I was.

        "Well, Vio, the girl who fainted on the plane, is here and wants to talk to you." I said, holding out the well. I handed the phone off to Vio, grabbed my phone, and left. I went through the comments on my video and saw alot of nice comments, laughing at how I fell off of my chair. There was the hate Attoo, though. They're just jealous of you Kat.

        Some of the hate really hurts some times. People were saying things like;

You suck. Go die in a hole.

Don't do anymore videos. Your just wasting space.

Do you cut yourself, because you should. Your just a fat ugly bitch.

        At least all my loyal pineapples protected me and yelled at all the haters, which still kept me running. I took a quick shower, got in my penguin onesie pajamas, and fell asleep in my bed.

a/n Hey dooooods!!!!! I want to say, if you have problems with self har or deppression, you can always talk to a survivor by messageing me. I want to say that once you tell someone, even a trusted friend, it gets better. Maybe not quickly, but it does. It is hard, but please, be brave and message me. I will not share anything that you tell me with anyone. Vote, comment, and message me. BYE!!!!!!(Bye the way, Are you happy, VanillaVio?!!!Phandom!!!)(Like my new cover?)

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