Chapter 27

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Violet's POV(Seeing Vikk first time)

I hugged Kat outside the hospital doors where Lachlan is supposedly laying in a coma. I walked along the white hall walls, being sure to step fast, but not running as to mess with nurses on their way to go help another patient who might die today.

When I saw the number Kat had told me to look for before we had exited the reception room. I took a deep breath and, after getting permission to go in, opened the door seperating me and Vikk.

I just stood in place for a second, with my eyes unblinking and my mouth forming a quick 'O' shape as I stood in shock from a sight I wasn't prepared for. Vikk had the top of his head guazed and bandaged, with one eye not showing., and he had multiple cuts, scrapes, and bruises lining his arms almost completely from wrist to shoulder on each side.

Vikk stared at me from his on good eye as he asked a question that completely went past my minds eye before I came in.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" He asked confusion lining his face and voice when he saw the hurt in my eyes when he asked that question. My mind couldn't comprehend when he said it. It was almost like my brain shut out for a second or two before it fully took in his words and had to think of an answer, or Vikk would only see me as a girl standing in his room staring at him in shock before he calls in a nurse to have them escort me out.

"My name's Violet and I was one of your many friends before you ended up in the hospital. Can you tell me your name?" I asked him, silently thanking my mom for being a nurse and teaching me some health safety and diseases and how to deal with them.

"No, I don't know my own name or even why I'm here! Everyone keeps asking me that damn question no matter what I say to them!" He burst out annoyed by all of the nurse, who I will admit, are very annoying at times.

"Well, I can tell you a lot, but I can't tell you everything. Ask me a question about yourself and I will answer as honestly as possible." I had sat down in front of his bed as we spoke and I had turned off most emotions to be as proffesional and not to cry.

"Well, first I want to know my damned name and why I'm in this wretched place!" That always was weird to me, how people who have amnesia have almost a better vocabulary than those who had gone to a school to learn it.

"Vikkram Barns, that's your name. I was walking to starbucks with some of your friends and you had jumped on to one, Lachlan Powers, and you both where knocked into the road and before you had a chance to get up from the road, a car came and ran over both you and your friend." I told him in a monotone voice as I looked at his one dull brown eye that I could see.

"Well, what other friends do I have then?" He asked me. That reminded me that I had to call the pack and the sidemen about Lachlan and Vikk. I pulled out my phone and phoned up Rob(Woofless) first. As my phone rang, I put it on speaker until Rob answered.

"Hey Violet! What's going on?" He asked as he had no idea of what had happened to Vikk and Lachlan. It almost brought me to tears at how much he didn't know.

"Rob, I'm just going to say it out loud as I can. Vikk has amnesia and Lachlan is in a coma. They're at the Tuscon hospital. I'm here with Vikk and he wanted to talk to one of his other friends." I said in a slightly less monotone voice, but in more of a depressed voice .

"Hello, but what is your name?" Vikk asked when I had passed the phone over to him. Rob had still said almost nothing.

"M-My name is Rob and I'm one of your best friend next to a few more people." Rob stuttered out as if it was hard for him to talk to people who didn't know him. The conversation went on with Rob, Vikk, and I talking and trying to jog Vikk's memory.

After closing hours, Kat and I left the building in silence, still trying to process all that we both saw today, only to share every single detail when we got home.

Lachlan's POV

Groggy. Groggy and sleepy is all I felt as my eyes and mind and just my whole body felt as I opened my eyes, only to end up closing them from the brightness of the wall around me. When my eyes and my body had woken up, I looked around to see heavy hospital wiring on my left, a light up flower canvas above me, and to my right was Kat, holding my hand and reading a book on her lap as she cried. One hand kept turning the pages of her book, the other held my hand firmly. I couldn't stand seeing Kat cry, so I squeezed her hand that was in my grasp. She looked to her hand and mine, almost as if she didn't believe that I could have done that and she was imagining it. She went back to her book.

"Hey." I said in a hoarse voice that hadn't been used in what seemed forever. Kat physically jumped when she heard me say something. She looked at me and just stared at my eyes for what seemed like ages, but in reality it was just half a minute, before she uttered my name.

"L-Lachlan?" she stuttered. She was still disbelieving that I was up. Was I out for a while?

"Yeah, it's me." I said. I didn't like the mood she had put on the atmosphere, so I tried to joke around, but then I felt a small pain in my leg. I looked down and I had a cast on my right leg and my left arm.

"How long have I been out?" I questioned her when she only stood there for another few moments, not uttering a sound.

"Lachlan," she was almost in tears. "You've been in a coma for half a year."

a/n I feel sooo evil!!!! I feel like I betrayed youtube! As I have said before, I plan out some main points I want in a chapter, but then I just write and add things as I go, making up small details for my plot line. So I'm sowy! Anyway, vote, comment, and eat something! Bye!

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