Chapter 19

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Kat's POV

        "Hey, Lachy! What's up?" I quetioned him. I got really bored after all my videos were done and skyped him, not caring if he was recording. He wasn't though. "Not much. You?"

        "I boooored!" I sayed laying my head back on the chair. Lachlan chuckled. "KAT!!!!" Vio screamed at me. Jeez. Rude much. I musted of said it out load because Lachlan chuckled again. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" He just nodded, still laughing. We said our goodbyes, but not before he stopped me as I was about to hang up the call. "Kat?"

        "Ya, something up?" I sat back down in my chair, suddenly interested at what he wanted to tell me. "Are you in Tuscon, AZ?"Ok, creepy stalker status much. "Yeah."

        "Well, Me and Vikk are moving there so that we can record with the pack more." Really? I was excited, but I hid it well. "Really? That's awesome!" I must not have hid my excitment well, because Lachlan laughed. "What?"

        "Excited to see someone, are we?" He said, wiggleing his eyebrows. Jeez. Well that blew my cover. I felt myself blush, but I immediatly hid it and asked another question but Vio came barging into my room.

        "KAT!!!! I NEEDED YOU 10 MINUETES AGO!" She screamed, but I saw the smile in her eyes. Lachlan on the other hand, looked terrified.

        "Fine Vio! Ugh!" I groaned. "Give me another minuete." She huffed and left my room. When I turned back to the skype call, Lachlan still looked terrified. "Scared much. Little Lovely Lachy," I smirked at him. He immediatly flushed bright red." Well I gotta go see what she wants." I said hanging up the skype call. I was still so embarresed. I looked to my arm and saw the faint scars.

        No, Kat. Not again. My consciece said, reminding me of my promise to Vio. I walked down stairs to see Vio makeing dinner in a nice dress with her hair up. "Hey, what's the occasion?" I asked, genuially curious.

        "I need help on my makeup." she said, putting the food into a draining bowl. Pasta. Hmmmm. Wonder why she's making pasta. "Sure. Why, may I ask?" 

        "I have a date."

Lachlan's POV (Didn't see that did you)

        "Bye," I said to Kat as we hung up the skype call. Why did I like her so much? She obviously doesn't like me. Who would? Wait, what am I thinking? I'm a youtuber. Thousands of fangirls want to be with me. Jerome walked into the hotel room.

        "Hey Little Lachy! What's wrong?" He could tell I was thinking.

        "Can I tell you something? You can't tell anyone doe!" I said. I would be so embarresed if anyone found out. He nodded his head yes, telling me to tell him. I sighed.

        "I like Kat alot. But I don't think she would ever like me back." I said.

a/n OHHHHHHHH!!! Who is Vio going to have a date with? Who knew Lachy could be so wrong? What's up with Kats past? OHHH! I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, but I gotta makein it interesting, don't I? Well anyway, 500+ reads!!!! I saw the number and I was hypreventalating. I mean, Wow! I did this and thought 'Ohh no one will read this but Vio.*sigh*' Look how wrong I was!!! I mean, I just can't even! Thank you guys soo much for the support!!! I love you all to death!!! Vote, comment, follow, and eat a pinapples organs! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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