Helping a stranger part 2 (Ichimatsu x Child!Reader)

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Whenever you eat outside, you felt left alone. It was always cold, but even during summer. Your parents always fought, but you never knew why. Even when you came back into the house, it felt still cold and like you don't belong here. Slowly, you got used to this lonely and cold feeling, even around your parents. This place called home, it didn't felt like it anymore.

But since Ichimatsu took you into the house to make sure you don't freeze or get kidnapped, you feel warmer inside.

It makes you happy to spend time with Ichimatsu.

Today, it's about to start snowing at night. Ichimatsu didn't saw you outside when he came home, so he suggested that you were in your house. Still, he is trying to fall asleep since 11 PM. Whenever he shut his eyes, he stops to feel tired and turns from side to side, pulling the blanket off and on, and groans annoyed into his pillow when he can't fall asleep at all. Now, it's 01:26 AM, so Ichimatsu gets up and to leave to drink a warm glass milk. Maybe it will help him to sleep.

But his eyes wandering over to the window, feeling strange. Ichimatsu hesitating walks over and slide the curtains a bit aside to take a look if it already started snowing.

His eyes widen when he sees you sitting near the trash, hugging yourself tightly while you are a bit covered in snow. The fact that you only wear a long sleeved pullover, long pants and socks is making him furious.

Ichimatsu immediately runs out of the room, not carrying if he steps onto one of his brothers, and runs outside. He wakes up almost everyone in the house from his stomping so loud. Ichimatsu quickly unlocks the front door and rush outside, over to you. The burning feeling from the snow on his bare feet, the cold that blows through his thin pajama and the shivers who run down his spine, he didn't felt it in this moment.

Ichimatsu quickly picks you up and runs back inside, startling Matsuyo. "Ichimatsu, what-" "This fucking parents left her outside!" He yells suddenly angry, rushing to the bathroom. He quickly turns on the hot/warm water and let the tube fill with it. He gets quick inside and turns on the shower, letting the water hit your feet first and making sure to slowly move it up to your upper body.

He knows very well what can happen when suddenly hot water hits an ice cold body, or ice cold water hits a hot body.

Ichimatsu makes sure to hold you close, trying to give you as much warmth as possible. 'Shit! She's already so cold! Do I need to call the ambulance?! Or will she be okay when I keep her warm?!' He flinch when a hand gets laid down onto his shoulder gentle. "Keep the warm water on her, Ichimatsu. I will make a warm tea for her, turn on the kotatsu and heater in the living room and bring you two warm clothes." Matsuyo says softly before she pulls away and leaves quick. The other five brothers quickly helping their mother, while Matsuzou calls the police.

Ichimatsu looks worried down to you, seeing that you still badly even with the warm water hitting your cold body. You even breathe trembling, making Ichimatsu even more angry. 'These fucking bastards. I'll kill them!' He hums when you grip his shirt with your tiny hand tightly, your cheeks slowly getting their color back first. Ichimatsu sighs quietly in relief, being glad you slowly start to warm up.

Once Matsuyo made sure everything stand in place, she returns and smiles to see that you look better than before. "I will give her an hoodie from you and some shorts from when you six were children, so make sure to carry her around, Ichimatsu." He nods with a hum, but doesn't take his eyes off from you. Once your trembling got less, Ichimatsu turns off the shower and remove your clothes, along with his.

You shut your eyes when a soft towel gets wrapped around you, drying your hair off and your body. Ichimatsu pulls away with a small smile when you giggle weakly, putting on the clothes his mother gave him. He dries himself off quick, before he put in the clothes and picks you up. Ichimatsu walks to the living room and sits down with you in his lap, putting the blanket from the kotatsu over you to warm you up.

Ichimatsu grabs the small cup tea, holding it carefully out to you. "Careful, it's hot." He says softly and you blow a bit against the tea, but pant softly. He frowns and raise up the cup, blowing it a bit colder for you before he put it down again and you take slowly as sip. "Y/n's parents are even more awful than us. I didn't think that would be possible." Osomatsu sighs, sitting down by the kotatsu as well, very close to Ichimatsu.

"You want ice cream Y/n-chan!?" Jyushimatsu ask happy and sits on the other side close to Ichimatsu. You shyly nod, but take carefully a sip from the tea again. "You can't give her something cold after she was almost frozen outside." Ichimatsu looks now annoyed at his brother, making sure to be careful with giving you tea. "Well, eating something sweet so late at night isn't good for a child anyways." Choromatsu sighs and sits down by the table as well.

You look up when a plate gets placed down in front of you, your stomach starts to growl when you see pears in front of you. "Thanks-ouch!" Osomatsu reached a hand out to the fruit, but his hand got slapped away from his mother. "No, this is for Y/n-chan." Ichimatsu hums and grabs the small toothpick, picking one up and holding it out to you with his hand under it. You open your mouth quickly, taking eagerly a bite and the other half falls into Ichimatsu's hand. He smiles a bit, finding it rather cute.

~And then...~
When the police arrived, they took the parents with them and allowed you to stay at the Matsuno house. Matsuyo wanted to give you a futon for yourself, but you didn't wanted to be alone, so Ichimatsu needed to sleep with you in the futon. He is a bit relieved to have so much room for himself, since you are pretty small, but it also feels a bit strange for him.

You snuggle close to Ichimatsu with a happy smile, yawning softly and falling quick asleep. Ichimatsu looks surprised, before he smiles softly and holds you close, falling finally asleep as well.

Even if it's 5 AM.

Osomatsu-san x Reader One shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now