Monster tamer (Mafia!Matsuno brothers x Innocent!Reader)

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Requested by FWPlacencia623

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You sit tied up on a chair in an empty room, kicking your legs a bit back and forth. Like usual, you got kidnapped from people who hate your best friends. The Matsuno brothers are in the mafia business and are pretty strong only for six people. Of course they have much enemies, so they try to kidnap one of the brothers or you. The sextuplets trying to avoid this by keeping you close to them, but you wandered off and before you knew it someone grabbed you and throw you into a car.

Now, you wait for your best friends to pick you up again. At first you were scared, but after getting kidnapped so often, you got used to it. 'I wonder what I should cook for dinner today. We had curry already yesterday and always oden is not good too. Hmmm ... maybe something with more vegetables? But Osomatsu hates green pepper and all of them doesn't really like vegetables. Hmmm ... no. I need to be a bit more tough. We eat vegetables and if they don' want to eat them ... I'll ignore them for three days.' You smile determined, but it turns into a happy one while you think about how good this idea is.

Suddenly, you hear a loud explosion and gun shoots. "Ah, they are here." You mumble to yourself. It takes a few minutes of humming a song until the door gets unlocked and Osomatsu runs over to you. "Y/n-chan! Are you okay?!" He hugs you tightly and quickly opens the knots from the ropes around you. "I'm okay. Thank you for saving me, Osomatsu." You say with a smile. Osomatsu smiles happy and hugs you tightly. "Yes~! It was just me who saved you Y/n-chan~! Give me a kiss~!" Osomatsu leans in to kiss you.

"Y/n-chan!!" You hum and the other five running quickly over to you two, pushing Osomatsu quickly away. "Uwah!" "Are you okay?!" They ask panicked. You laugh softly and nod your head with a smile. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." The five letting out a sigh in relief, while Osomatsu gets up with an angry growl. "What was that for?!" "You wanted to do something with Y/n-chan we won't allow." Choromatsu says with narrowing eyes. "You act like I asked for se-mpfh?!"

But Ichimatsu quickly covers his mouth. "Don't you dare saying this in front of her." He hiss very pissed. "She isn't losing her innocent personality because of a shitty pervert like you, Osomatsu-niisan." Todomatsu pouts angry. Osomatsu huffs and looks into your direction, only to see you aren't there. "Eh?! Where's Y/n-chan?!" "Eh?!"

You wandered off again, looking around the area. 'If I find the exit, they will be proud of me that I did something on my own! I can't always rely on my best friends!' You huff with an determined smile. Since the sextuplets always want you around, you have the feeling they don't trust you enough for leaving you a single second alone. Since you were little you had the luck to get into dangerous situations, so the sextuplets keeping always an eye out at you.

You hum when you cross a corner, but get suddenly pulled back and a gun shot echoes in the hallway. Karamatsu steps around and shoot at the only living person in the building, while Jyushimatsu has his arms around your waist locked. You hum and look up to the smiling sunshine boy. "Why did you left, Y/n-chan!?" He ask with an happy tone in his voice. "Oh um ... I thought I can find the way on my own." You mumble a bit sulking. Again, you got saved from your best friends.

Karamatsu sighs quietly when he sees that no one is alive anymore. He turns around to you and walks the few steps closer, cupping your face gentle. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" He ask softly. You nod your head softly, smiling innocently at him. Karamatsu smiles softly and kiss your forehead. Jyushimatsu pulls you back and kiss your cheek.

"Oi!! What do you think you're doing with my Y/n-chan?!"

~And then...~
You seven are back home since a whole hour, but you can hear the Matsuno brothers argue the whole time.  All you can hear is how they talk about you, but you don't really know why. Suddenly, you hear the brothers yell. You place quickly down the dishes and rush to the living room.

"Ha?! You wish! Y/n-chan likes me much more than you five! Why else would she spend more time with me?!" Osomatsu yells annoyed. "She just spends time with you, because you always follow her like a creepy stalker!" Choromatsu yells angry back. "You aren't even better, Choromatsu-niisan! You always check on her in the middle of the night!" Todomatsu yells with an angry pout at him. "Heh. I'm sure my beloved Karamatsu girl-boeh!" Ichimatsu punched Karamatsu pissed into his stomach. "You creep give her always this digusting and apinful nicknames! Stop with that!" "I sneak sometimes into Y/n-chan's room to sleep next to her!" Jyushimatsu says happy with his arms raised up in the air.


"Guys? Is something wrong?" You ask worried and walk into the living room. They quickly shut up and look at you with an blank expression. You walk over to Karamatsu who crouched down onto the ground while holding his stomach trembling. "Are you okay?" You crouch down next to him, looking worried at him. Karamatsu blush softly and nod his head with a hum. "Why do you guys even yell at each other?" You help Karamatsu carefully up.

"You like me more Y/n-chan, right?!" The brothers suddenly ask very loud. Before you can answer this question, they start to argue again. You hum thinking and ask with an innocent smile: "Can I kiss you?" "KISS ME FIRST!!!!!!" You laugh softly and say: "Close your eyes and don't open them until I say it, understand?" The brothers quickly nodding their heads, shutting their eyes tightly and waiting.

You kiss from the youngest to the oldest the brothers on the cheek and after a minute waiting, they are allowed to open their eyes again. Since they didn't heard to who you walked first, each of them thinks you kissed him first. The brothers smiling very happy, with an mixture of excitement. You laugh softly and turn around, walking over to the door from the room. "I made today something more healthy for you guys." The brothers quickly follow you. "And what?" Ichimatsu ask a little bit curious, but tries not to show it. "I decided to do something with vegetables and-"

"Noooo~!!" But the sextuplets already starting to whine and to complain. You pout and huff. "If you don't eat it, I'll not talk with you guys anymore." "E-Eh?! B-but Y/n-chan-" "Nu-uh! No but's! You eat vegetables today and Osomatsu, dont think about giving your green peppers away." You scold the oldest brother. "Eh?! Why green peppers?! You know I hate them Y/n-chan!" Osomatsu whines and hugs your arm tightly. "Because you need to eat it, Osomatsu. This green pepper waited for this day to get eaten from you."

The sextuplets blushing from your sentence. 'So cute~!!'

They may be the strongest and most violent mafia who ever exist, but when it comes to you...

...these hard mafia men are pure softies.

Osomatsu-san x Reader One shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now