A big mistake? (Mafia!Osomatsu x Reader)

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Normally, you aren't the one who drinks really much alcohol. Sometimes a beer here or a cocktail there, but it's rare. But one person was pissing you so much off that you both started a drinking contest. You can only remember that you drunk a whole glass beer empty without setting it down and after that, everything turned black.

Now, you woke up in a bedroom from a love hotel. But the worst part for you is the ring on your left ring finger and the worst hip pain you ever had. You sit with an pale face in the bed, looking trembling at you left hand. 'Oh god ... did I married someone?! N-Never! Even when I'm fully drunk, I would never-' But when your eyes wandered to the side, you see on the nightstand next to the bed papers who tell you that you are officially married to Matsuno Osomatsu and have now the name Matsuno Y/n. You scream inside, but flinch when you hear someone growl lightly. Hesitating, you turn your head to the side and see the most violent mafia Don on the whole world next to you. He snores and lays on his stomach, showing off the red scratch marks on his back.

'I married a mafia boss?!' You quickly look around for your clothes, only to see now how messed up the room is. Much packages from condoms laying around who got ripped open, empty lube bottles lays around and even a few sex toys. You get carefully, with an pale face, out of the bed and put on your clothes. Your legs doesn't want to make even a single step and your sore hips doesn't make anything better. While you put on your clothes, you can see where you have hickeys and where bitemarks. On your hips are red streams.

When you have everything on, you quickly make your way to the door. "Mmmn~ ... Y/n-chan...?" You run as fast as your legs allow it out of the room and down the hallway, over to the elevators.

You had much luck that you have today a day off from work. A reason why you thought yesterday you could go to a bar and drink a little bit. You sit under the shower, not believing you really married a mafia boss. When you were looking in the mirror, you saw on your neck and shoulders all the hickeys and bite marks. Even of your back were bite marks.

You look with half closed eyes at the ring on your left ring finger. You totally forgot about it and still didn't took it off yet. 'Great. How should I explain this my parents? Besides, when we make a divorce, I'm sure no man wants me anymore. How does this even sound like? I only married a man because of a drunken mistake. Along with that, I lost my virginity and can't even remember it. Haaah ... I think I'll never drink alcohol again.' Your tears mixing together with the water from the shower. You pull your legs up to your chest, hugging them tightly.

After you were an half hour under the shower, you put on a simple t-shirt and jogging pants and let yourself fall onto your couch who is at the same time your bed. You have a pretty small apartment, so you only have things you need to live. Huddling yourself together, you pull the blanket over your body and bury your head in your pillows.

You hum when someone press the doorbell, outside from the building you live in. If someone wants to enter, he needs at first the permission from a person inside the building. You get up, walk over to your door and take off the phone who belongs to the intercom downstairs. "Hello?" >>Ah, Y/n-chan. Can you open the-<<

But you quickly slap the phone back into his place. When you heard the voice from Osomatsu, your whole face went pale. 'Di-Did I told him where I live?! No way I would do ... I married a mafia boss. I think I would had be crazy enough to tell him where I live.' You walk back to your couch bed and huddle yourself back together into a ball.

But five minutes later, your door gets suddenly unlocked. "Eh?" You raise a little bit the blanket up, losing all the color from your face when you see Osomatsu entering your apartment, followed by two of his brothers. "Did she left?" Osomatsu ask confused while looking around. "If yes, we would had seen her at least by the stairs. And the others waiting outside, so if she really trick us we would know." Choromatsu sighs quietly, looking at the trash bag who stands next to the door.

You hold your breath, hoping they will leave. Karamatsu knocks on the closed bathroom door, opening it carefully. He would shut the door right away when you use the bathroom for personal business. "The floor is still wet." Osomatsu hums and sit down at first on the couch, but quickly get up again when he felt your body. Since your blanket is so huge and thick, he didn't expected you to be under it.

Osomatsu pulls the blanket away, seeing you how you hide your face in the pillows. " ... Well, let's go." "Uwa!" Without any warning, Osomatsu put the blanket back onto you and pick you up with it together, so you can't move around that much.

~And then...~
You sit on the couch from Osomatsu's office, while he sits on his boss chair by his huge dark wooden desk. He writes something, but didn't said a single word to you since you got brought here. You hug your legs against your chest, having the blanket over your body to keep you warm. 'I guess he's making sure the divorce will go well and without any complications. When he says he will not give me the half of his money or things, I'm fine with that. I mean, it was all a drunken mistake. Of course I don't have any right to take things from someone. Especially from an mafia boss.'

"You listening?" "?!" You flinch when a finger gets pressed against your cheek. You look quickly to the side and Osomatsu looks at you confused. You didn't even notice that he sat down next to you. "E-Eh? N-No I didn't um..." Osomatsu chuckles and leans back against the backrest from the couch. "You know, I was really hurt that you just left me alone in the love hotel." You flinch and glance away from Osomatsu. "But since you're my wife, I'll forgive you for this."

You tense up when Osomatsu lays his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "E-Eh? B-But-" "Weren't we drunk when we married?" Osomatsu ask with a smile, eyes closed to show you he stays calm. You look very surprised that he knew exactly what you wanted to ask him. "I know we were drunk, but I can remember the night in the love hotel clearly. I never felt so much pleasure before and after looking up a few informations about you, I can proudly say I fell in love with you Y/n-chan~." Osomatsu coos with an smile and bob your nose with his index finger.

Before you can say something again, Osomatsu interrupts you. "Don't worry, I'm not saying I fell in love with your body, Y/n-chan. But let's get to know each other a bit more, okay? And making a divorce wouldn't be very good for you, right~?" He smirks at you, knowing exactly that a woman will have a bad time finding another man after she got a divorce. Especially you, because you were drunk.

You look unwell down, hugging yourself a bit tighter. Osomatsu hums and pulls you closer, having you sit on his lap. "Don't worry~. I won't do anything you don't want to Y/n-chan~." Osomatsu purrs softly and nuzzle his face into your neck.

Looks like you need to deal with this mafia boss now.

Osomatsu-san x Reader One shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now