Religion (Devil!Osomatsu x Abused!Reader)

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Your parents were really religious. Very religious. You grew up with a few slaps and punches, whenever you did something wrong. Since you grew up with this, you didn't really questioned it. After all, you never were bleeding or anything. So you keep up with this life, even after entering a normal school. Still, your parents notice you have a few secrets here and there who seemed not to be allowed.

In the age of 15, you got send to the ER for the very first time.

Your parents thought, just because you were sneaking outside to study with a female friend for a test, you were with a boy and had sex. Even when you said under tears you were still a virgin, your parents didn't wanted to believe you. In your whole life, you never were so scared of your father. He looked so furious that he looked to you like a demon for a moment.

Of course the police came and asked if your parents abused you so much. You said no, since you didn't wanted to get punched again.

Three years later, you ran away from home. Your parents wanted you to marry a man who is 29 and you don't even know. He had enough money and when you told your parents you want to marry a person you love, you got punched so hard that on your left cheek is already a dark bruise. That you didn't said you want to marry a man was unacceptable for your parents. When they send you in your room, you pushed your wardrobe in front of your door, destroyed the locked window in your room with your chair and ran as fast as you could away.

Away from this place that get called home.

Now, you sit on an branch from a tree, crying quietly to yourself. You can't go back anymore and not even to your friends, because you didn't want to pull them into a crime. 'I don't want to go back home! I don't want to live with these two people anymore! I don't want them to control my whole life anymore! But I ... don't have any place to go to. I didn't finished high school yet, so no one wants to give me a job. I also don't want to strip. So what ... can I do?'

Lucky you, someone were flying around in the forest to find a soul who might be got lost and he can take to pull it down into hell. 'Aaaaah~! This is so tiring~! I wanna go back, but I can't return without a soul~!' The person hums when it hears sobbing noises, making him smirk in victory.

You try to wipe your tears, thinking about now the only thing that can bring you away from this personal hell of yours. 'I can't go anywhere on this planet without my parents chasing me. Dad will send me to the ER again. I can't handle this alone. Anymore. So the only way to get away from them forever ... is-' "Evening~!"

"?!" You flinch and wanted to back away, but only slip from the branch. "Whoa! Not so fast!" Your eyes widen when you see that you are floating in the air. Your tears dripping down to the soft ground. The arm who holds you around your waist up in the air gets slowly down with your body and set you carefully down onto your feet. "You can't just die now~! You need to wait for that a few minutes~!" A voice you never heard before whines from behind.

Turning slowly around, your eyes widen even more when you see a person floating in the air. The man wears a simple suit, but his tie is dark red. His jacket is light blue, his pants dark brown and his shoes are black. The man has a bowl cut hair, his dark brown hair seems almost black. His onyx eyes looking in amuse down at you, while a slight smirk rest on his lips. But the more shocking part for you are the devil horns on his head and the devil tail who wags up and down slowly.

Resting his hands inside his pockets, the man lands on the ground and raise his head up. He is a whole head taller than you. "I'm Osomatsu~." The devil introduce himself with a slight bow. You keep staring at him, realizing something. "So~ little human girl~. What brings you in the middle-" But before Osomatsu can say more, you suddenly pull his hands out of his pockets and grip them a bit tightly. "Please! Kill me!"

"Eh?" You made the devil speechless.


Osomatsu blinks a few times, not knowing if he really understood you. " ... What?" He ask with an confused smile. "Kille me! Take my soul! Or whatever! I don't want to stay here anymore!" You beg with teary eyes. The eyes from Osomatsu widen slightly when he can see the bruise on your cheek now clearly, but he close his eyes halfway. Making it look like he is glaring at you. "?!" You flinch when Osomatsu place one hand onto your cheek, making it hurt already just from a simple touch. " ... If you make a bet with me, I'll take your soul when you lose~." Osomatsu says with a smirk and takes his hand away again. You are confused that your cheek isn't hurting anymore, but don't pay so much attention to it.

"Whatever you want! I'll do it! And when I win, take my soul too! Please!" You start to panic, fearing that your parents might find you when you are on the ground. You don't even know how far away you are from your home. Osomatsu notice of course how scared you are. It's visible on your face. But he knows you aren't afraid of him.

" .. Don't say this so careless~! You need to say: Oh no~! Osomatsu-sama, please, don't take my soul and let me live~! I'll do anything you want, but please, don't take me with you into hell~!" You stare at Osomatsu with an dumbfounded face, not really believing he just said this right now. " ... Don't look at me like I'm the crazy one here!" He whines, coming really close to you. You stare up to Osomatsu with an deadpan expression.

" ... I think I should look for another demon or just jump straight down from a cliff." You want to walk away, but Osomatsu hugs you quickly around your waist. "No~! Don't leave me~! I'm so lonely and I need a soul~!" He whines, nuzzling his face in your neck. "Than just take my soul. I'm even offering you it." You sigh quietly, starting to forget why you are outside.

"Say what you should had said from the start." Osomatsu pouts, hugging you a bit tighter. You sigh again, but say: "Oh no~. Osomatsu-sama, please, don't take my soul and let me live~. I'll do anything you want, but please, don't take me with you into hell~." You say without any feelings in your face, saying it more sarcastically.

Osomatsu sighs and you flinch when he bites suddenly into the back of your neck. You whimper slightly in pain, feeling warm liquid running down. Osomatsu pulls away and licks his lips. "So, now I've marked you as my own." "W-What?!" You blush bright red and look shocked over your shoulder. Osomatsu stares at you with widen eyes and an deadpan expression, suddenly bursting out into a loud laugh. You blush even more and turn fully around to Osomatsu, hitting him with your fists softly. "W-What does this mean~? And don't make fun of me~." You whine, causing Osomatsu to laugh even more.

When Osomatsu chokes on his own saliva, he starts to cough and slowly calms down. "You're damn cute for a human." He chuckles, making you blush now crimson. Osomatsu hums, leaning down to your face. "Are you seriously blushing from this?" He ask with an amused smirk. You look shyly down to the ground, starting to feel nervous. Osomatsu start to laugh again, ruffling your hair messy. "I change my-?!"

You squeak when Osomatsu suddenly grabs you and jumps up into a tree. You are in his arms and want to say something, but Osomatsu press the tip from his tail on your lips, shushing you.

"Y/N!!! COME OUT!!! NOW!!!"

When you hear the voice from your father yelling in pure anger, your whole face turns pale. Osomatsu glance down to you when you grab his jacket tightly, trembling in fear. Your father stomps closer to you two, making you start to hyperventilate. Osomatsu can smell the shotgun from your father. He wouldn't really get hurt from it since he can split his body into six small versions of him, but you can't.

Your father growls angry and yells: "Y/N!!! I'LL GIVE YOU THREE SECONDS TO COME OUT OR YOU HAVE TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!" You start to breathe even faster and open your mouth with trembling lips, but squeak muffled when Osomatsu press his lips onto yours. While your whole face turns crimson, Osomatsu glance over to your father.

When he counted down to three, your father yells even louder and starts to walk again. You grip the jacket from Osomatsu a tightly wanting oxygen in your lungs again. Osomatsu pulls away when you father is gone and you gasp quickly for air, panting. Osomatsu is blushing a light red on his cheeks, petting your head softly.

"I'll take you with me down to hell, so don't scream, understand?" Osomatsu sighs quietly, smelling that your father is coming back. You nod your head with an shy blush, looking down to your hands.

Osomatsu smiles slightly and opens a portal, quickly flying inside and disappearing with you.

Osomatsu-san x Reader One shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now