You can't eat everything (Matsuno brothers x Food allergy sister!Reader)

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Requested by s728892

I apologize if it's not so good 🙇‍♀️

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It's the middle of the night. Everyone in the Matsuno household should be asleep already, but not you. You tip toe quietly downstairs and sneak into the kitchen. Making our way over to the fridge, you open it very carefully and as quiet as possible. Your eyes starting to sparkle when you see a very good looking slice of strawberry cake. You know you shouldn't eat this cake and it may take your breath away, but you want to eat an cake just one time in your whole life. Taking out a fork, you cut a small piece from the cake away, pick it up and lift it up to your face.

"No!" "?!" You flinch when someone slaps the fork out of your hand, causing it to fall down to the ground along with the pice of cake. "Ah!" The plate with the cake gets taken out of your hand and placed back into the fridge. "You can't eat this, Y/n!" Jyushimatsu says a little worried. You pout and cross your arms over your shoulder. "But I wanna eat it at least one time in my whole life. It's not like it will kill me right after I ate it." "But it can! That's why you aren't allowed to eat it!"

Jyushimatsu picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. "Uwah!" He rush quietly upstairs, so he won't wake up his parents and brothers. Instead of bringing you back to your own room, Jyushimatsu carries you to the room form your brothers. He slide the door quietly shut again and lay you down in the middle from him and Choromatsu. Jyushimatsu hugs you tightly after pulling the blanket over you two and falls asleep rather quick. A soft sigh leave your lips and you close your eyes, knowing there is no way to escape from his grip.

You are the youngest child from the Matsuno family. You go into the last year of high school while your six older brothers are lazy NEET adults. But the whole family was always more worried about you, because you have a few food allergies and some of them can bring you the death. Sometimes you really want to eat the things you shouldn't, but no one from your family knows how it feels to never taste something everyone else can eat.

~The next day~
It's Monday, what means for you to go to school today. It's 7:17 AM and your brothers sitting with you by the table in the living room and eat breakfast together. Till now, you didn't touched your food at all. Osomatsu hums confused when he sees you just poke your food with your chopsticks. "Y/n, aren't you hungry?" You shake your head no and place them down next to your plate again. "And why? Did you ate something at night?" Todomatsu ask worried. Now you have the whole attention from your other brothers. Jyushimatsu might fear now he came too late.

"No. I just don't wanna eat eggs again." You sigh quietly and look away. Eggs. Every day you need to eat eggs, because they don't give you an allergic shock. And you started to hate eggs, because they were the only food you could eat until you die. "But what is wrong with eggs, my dearest imouto?" Karamatsu ask confused. "You like them, don't you?" Choromatsu ask slightly worried.

You glance down to your food, before standing up. "I'm going to school." You grab your schoolbag and walk out of the living room. "Don't forget your bento." Matsuyo holds out your two bento boxes. Since you can't eat the food in school, you always need to have an extra lunch. " ... Thank you, Kaa-san." You smile at Matsuyo and take the two boxes out of her hands, put it inside your schoolbag and leave the house.

What happened after that is a bit blurry for you.

You can still remember the way to school and a few things you talked about with your friends, but around lunch time is everything black. The only thing you know is, that you lay now in hospital.

One of your classmates thoughts you just fake this whole food allergy, so he pour something very spicy into your food when no one was in the classroom. Of course his friends knew this, but they thought he was just joking. Once you started to eat, you were surprised to taste something very new and swallowed it down without thinking. Just right after you swallowed it, you couldn't breathe anymore and tried to gasp for air. It felt like every second you will die. Everything turned black for you and you woke up with an oxygen mask onto your face while laying in a bed from the hospital.

Now, you try to remember what happened while staring up to the ceiling. You aren't really sure if you are allowed to sit up with this oxygen mask on your face or not. But you were looking at your arms, only to see that a few places were red. Since you never had an allergic shock before, you don't really know what happens to your body.

Suddenly, you her fast footsteps and already know who it is. Not a second later, the door gets slide open very fast. "Y/n!!" Your brothers quickly running over to you, panting heavily for air once they stop next to your bed. "Where are Kaa-san and Tou-san?" You ask with a slight raspy voice. "They talk with the doctor and the school." Choromatsu explains short. "How do you feel?" Todomatsu ask worried, small tears in his eyes. "I guess better." You chuckle a bit, before coughing.

Karamatsu place a hand down onto your head, petting you softly. "You should rest. We can ask you later our questions." He says with a calm voice. You hum and nod your head, panting lightly. After the hospital called your home, the sextuplets were running immediately to the hospital to check on you. They needed to wait a hour until they were allowed to see you, but they are very relieved to see that you are okay again.

Of course the boy needed to stay home for a whole month and needed to apologize to you. But he swore to you that he will never do this again while he looked terrified.

Especially after your brothers picked you up from school and the boy saw them.

Osomatsu-san x Reader One shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now