Otaku lover (High school!Ichimatsu x Reader)

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Requested by BiancaUwU22

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You are a nerd.

You love anime, manga, some cartoons too, memes and much more things. Much people made fun of you whenever you brought an manga with you to school or when you suddenly started to talk about anime. Still, it didn't really stopped you to love being the way you are. You know that nobody has always the same interest and that's okay. You are no one to judge.

While you were spending time with your friends who are interested in anime too, you just ignored the comments from other students. You never really thought about having a relationship with someone who is popular in high school, like in all shoujo manga you read.

But it happened.

Yesterday, Matsuno Ichimatsu, one of the most popular boys in your year, confessed his love to you behind the school building. Of course it was shocking you, but you quickly said yes because he looked a bit in pain when you didn't responded right away.

Today, you got picked up from Ichimatsu by your house and walk with him now slowly to school. You two didn't really said a word to each other, just a normal "Good morning". Ichimatsu hums and glance over to you, seeing you feel rather awkward than nervous. " ... Say, I saw you sometimes with an manga in the hallway, Y/n-chan. You like ... this?" Ichimatsu isn't sure how to ask you about this theme, because he heard from his friends that some students made fun of you because of this. But he didn't knew you get suddenly very excited about this theme.

"I love manga! I love anime too! I have an manga with me right now, do you know it!?" You take quickly one manga out of your schoolbag, holding out to Ichimatsu. He is at first a bit startled from seeing you so happy, but slowly takes the manga and looks inside. "It's my absolute favorite manga! You see, the whole world is full with cats! No humans at all! So they rule it! The main hero cat joins the knights, but is totally bad at fighting and with sword skills! And can't tell you everything, but it's super cute and cool!"

Ichimatsu hums and looks at the few pages. 'It is cute, though.' "I even have a plushie from the cat hero! You wanna see it?! After school you can come inside my room and I show it to you!" You ask excited. Ichimatsu is surprised you just invited him to your room, your home, but he can see you mean it in a very innocent way. Having even a single dirty thought isn't crossing your mind.

Ichimatsu smiles softly. "Sure. I didn't planned anything after school, so if you don't mind if I come into your room, Y/n-chan." "Be my guest!" Ichimatsu chuckles and holds up the manga. "Can I read it?" Your eyes widen and you say with an excited smile: "Of course can! I just started the manga, but I already saw the anime! I have every manga and can lend them out to you!" 'She really is hyper when it comes to anime.' While you keep talking about anime, Ichimatsu listens to you and can't help to smile.

This smile is a real one.

It's lunch time and instead with your friends, you eat with your boyfriend. Of course your friends didn't stop fangirling when you told them who your boyfriend is. They even started to plan your wedding.

You sit with Ichimatsu outside by a table, facing each other. You eat your bento while Ichimatsu eats one yakisoba bread from the cafeteria. "Say, where is your bento?" You ask confused. "Ah, my brother stole it from me, since he forgot his own. I have luck he didn't stole my pocket money as well." Ichimatsu sighs and bite down into the bread. You hum and look down to your bento, seeing you still have the half left. You blush by the thought that cross your mind, but you shake your head a bit.

"Um, do you want ... the rest of my bento?" Ichimatsu finch and suddenly choke on his bread. "E-Eh?! I-Ichimatsu?!" He hit his chest with one hand, trying to swallow it down. You quickly open your cold green tea bottle you bought from the drinking machine from the school and hand it over to Ichimatsu. As quick as he can, he drinks it and swallows the food hard down. He coughs and slowly calms down, panting.

"A-Are you okay?" You ask worried. Ichimatsu hums and nod his head. "I-I'm fine. I was ... just surprised." He clears his throat before taking slowly your bento and starting to eat. He is blushing softly when he takes your chopsticks in his mouth. 'This is an indirect kiss, right?' "Can I have your half eaten yakisoba bread?" You ask with an slight nervous smile. "Ah, sure." You smile a bit more happier and take the bread, starting to eat.

~Time skip~
School is over and just like Ichimatsu promised, he leaves with you the school building. "What do you think of the manga, Ichimatsu?" You ask a little excited. Ichimatsu hums and smiles a bit, taking out your manga. "It was very interesting. Can I lend the second one out too?" You nod quickly your head, take your manga back, but before you can say something ... "Yo! Ichi!"

You two stop and turn around. Ichimatsu's friends walking over to you two and he gives his best friend an high five. "And you must be his girlfriend. Hi, I'm Yanagida." He holds his hand up and you hesitate at first, before shyly giving him a high five as well. "Oh, I know who you are. You are the girl with this weird group who really is into anime, right?" The other boy ask with a smile. "Um ... y-yes. But don't call my friends weird please."

"Say, why don't you wear glasses like other nerds?" "Is this a manga from you?" One boy just takes the manga out of your hand without even asking. Before you can say something, Ichimatsu snatch the manga out of his hand and takes with his free hand yours, pulling you with him. Without even saying a word, he pulls you quickly away from his friends and doesn't say a word until you both went into an alley. Ichimatsu stops and let go of your hand, turning around. He push your manga back into your hands.

"I'm sorry for them." Ichimatsu bows down, clenching his hands into tight fists. "I can understand ... if you don't wanna be my girlfriend anymore, Y/n-chan." You look surprised down to him, blushing softly. "O-Oh um, it's okay. I'm used to such things. Besides, they didn't even mean any harm, so it's okay." Ichimatsu looks surprised now up. You smile at him softly and close your eyes. "Ichimatsu, just because your friends teased me, doesn't mean I want to break up with you. Also, you didn't said it, but you pulled me away from them and even saved my manga from these boy. I'm more surprised that you even want to be in a relationship with me. I mean, I don't really have the best reputation in school."

Ichimatsu blush, but place his hands down onto your shoulders and looks down to you. "Y/n-chan, I may sound like a creep now, but ... I was watching you since middle school." He confess and glance with an blush across his face away from you. His grip tightens a little bit on your shoulders. "I ... I was in middle school ... not really social. I avoid others the best I could, because they would just betray me once I turned my back to them. But ... you were in the other class from me. I saw ... how often they made fun of you, even your old friends. Still ... you never cared about what they said and continued with what you loved. ... I fall in love with you because of that reason. Because you ... were so strong."

Your eyes widen and you feel your blood rise up into your head. "Um ... d-do you ... think I'm a creep now?" Ichimatsu ask unwell. You feel your heart beating a bit faster and your face feels a lot warmer than usual. "N...No, I don't." Ichimatsu glance carefully back, but he flinch when he sees the shy look in your face. 'So cute.' He gulps and leans slowly down...

...kissing your forehead.

Ichimatsu quickly pulls away and covers with his arm his half face, glancing away from you. You in the meantime blush a wonderful red who looks like a fresh sunburn. You both look away from each other, feeling to embarrass to say now a single word.

It looks like you two will have a cute, shy relationship.

Osomatsu-san x Reader One shots Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن