You killed me (Matsuno brothers x Reader)

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"See you tomorrow, Y/n-chan~!" And with that, the Matsuno brothers leaving you. You lay on the cold asphalt and stare with half closed eyes at the wall from an alley. Tears running down your face while the pain in your whole body starts to grow stronger with every minute that pass by.

Since kindergarten you get bullied from the Matsuno sextuplets and the worst for you was that you seven were always in the same class since elementary school. So your hopes to find some friends were with every year always destroyed. You never told your parents about it, because they were always yelling at each other when they thought you were sleeping. You don't wanna bother them with your problems, since they already have enough in your eyes. The sextuplets started to punch you when you were in the last year of middle school and didn't stopped with it. Now, you seven are in the second year of high school. But suddenly, you stopped to see colors when you came into the first year of high school. You don't know why, but you also were too afraid to tell anybody about it, because you thought they will call you insane.

Slowly, you push yourself up and stumble a bit to the side once you stand on your feet. Blood drips down from your chin who starts to mix together with the tears. You sigh quietly and start to walk back home, but with small steps. You don't want to fall down to the ground. 'Another day and I still can't see one single color. ... Should I take drugs? Maybe the pain will stop and I can see colors again. ... That doesn't work all the time and I guess I don't even have enough money for this expensive shit. ... I can jump in front of a car and with a bit luck I fall into a coma. ... No, that hurts even more than getting beaten up and my parents would need to pay a very high hospital bill. ... I don't know. Maybe I have luck and will die soon enough before school ends. Death can happen to us humans every time, so let's just see what the day brings.'

~On the next day~
You sit in your class by your table while the teachers says something, but you don't listen to him. You keep your eyes down to your hands, trying hard not to cry. 'Kaasan and Tousan ... will make a divorce. I need to choose with who I wanna go with. Tousan goes to America ... while Kaasan will stay in Japan. But where ... can I see colors again?' "?!" Suddenly, a book gets slammed down onto your desk, almost scaring you to death. "L/n-san, please go out and wait next to the door. We'll talk after class." Your teacher says sternly, narrowing his eyes at you.

You bite your bottom lip and nod, standing up and walk to the door. "?!" But you trip over someone's foot and fall down onto the hard ground. A few students starting to laugh quietly while the last string inside you ripped. "Oh, sorry. My foot got in your way." Todomatsu says with a smile. Tears running down your face and you stand up, running quickly out of the classroom and to the stairs. "L/n-san! I said you have to wait by the classroom door!" Your teacher yells angry and follows you quickly. The others students got very curious and quickly follow him.

You run upstairs to the door from the rooftop, but it's locked. You step quickly back, running with your arm against the door and it fall open. "Ngh?!" You stumble forward and hold your hurt arm, running quickly to the fence from the rooftop. Once you made it over, you stand now by the edge of the rooftop and look down to the ground. "L/n-san! What are you doing?!" You flinch and look over your shoulder with widen eyes and a blurry vision. The teacher quickly runs over to you and reach a hand out to grab you. For a second, your eyes landing on the sextuplets who are staring at you with widen eyes. "That's not-?!"

Out of fear that your teacher will punch you when he gets you, you took a step back. But the ground under your foot disappears and you fall down. Your teacher can't reach you anymore and the last thing you see before you hit the ground is the clear blue sky.

The student L/n Y/n commit suicide.

She jumped down from the rooftop of her school and died immediately.

Osomatsu-san x Reader One shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now