Baby sister Part 3 (Matsuno brothers x Baby sister!Reader)

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Requested by s728892

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Everyone got a bit annoyed from the sextuplets acting. They rarely spend time with their friends and giving all their attention to their little baby sister. They never met you, because you were too young for that. Now, you are finally one year old and the brothers can do after kindergarten with you what they want. Of course they make sure to do things where you won't get hurt and don't get a trauma from.

Today is Sunday, which means the brothers having you a whole day for themselves. They went to the Akatsuka park, wanting to watch the cherry blossoms with you. Of course their friends are at the park as well, but everyone by a different place in the park.

"How can you forget our drinks?" Choromatsu ask the oldest brothers very annoyed. To their luck, Ichimatsu put your food in your baby bag, what means you have at least your own food and won't starve. "To my defence, Y/n was smiling at me and wanted to get carried from her Onii-chan. How can you expect me to ignore her?" Osomatsu ask while pouting. You giggle happily while playing with the hand from Jyushimatsu.

"You go and buy drinks for us by the drinking machine." Choromatsu huffs and sit down on the big blanket. "But-" "How about I lend you a hand, burazza? Our dearest imouto loves pressing buttons and I'm sure she will enjoy it when we let her-" But before Karamatsu can say more, Osomatsu quickly picks you up and already starts to walk away. Karamatsu is a bit shocked, but runs quick after you two.

When you three arrive he drinking machine, you reach your tiny hands out and want to press the buttons with slight sparkling eyes, since all of them are glowing. Osomatsu chuckles while holding you and Karamatsu putting the money into the machine. "Look how excited Y/n is~." Karamatsu looks at you and smiles softly.

"Yo! Osomatsu! Karamatsu!" The two brothers humming, looking to the side. Iyami and Chibita making their way over to you three. This time, Iyami wears at least clothes. "Wow, you let your sister out of the house? I'm surprised." Chibita says sarcastic while looking at you. "What do you mean? We let her out." Osomatsu ask confused. "You six really care about your sister, zansu? I'm surprised she is still alright." Iyami leans a bit down, looking at you closer. Osomatsu quickly holds you more away from him. "May I ask why you two are here? To watch the cherry blossoms?" Karamatsu ask with a raised brow.

"We want to sell some things." Chibita explains short. They hum when they hear a can falling down, followed by a few others. You were able to reach your hands out so much that you could hit the buttons on the drinking machine. Osomatsu pulls you more away, causing you to whine when you can't hit the glowing buttons anymore. Karamatsu picks up the cans, smiling dumbfounded by the flavors. You sulk and want to nom on your hand, but Osomatsu holds you back. "Don't take your fingers in your mouth, Y/n." "We don't want to see you sick." Karamatsu smiles softly at you.

Of course you don't understand them and start to whine around, wanting to bite on your hand. Osomatsu sighs and let you nom on his finger until they can clean your hands and their own again. "We hope you got some things to sell who aren't broken." Karamatsu bows a bit down before walking with his oldest brother and you back to their place.

Choromatsu picked you up to show you a bit around and the others can drink a bit beer. They want to make sure you don't drink some by accident when they don't look at you for a second. He holds you in his arms, while you giggle in happiness. The petals falling down and a few landing on you and Choromatsu. He smiles softly, laughing a bit. Seeing you happy is melting his heart.

"Choromatsu-kun!" He hums and stops, looking over his shoulder. Totoko walks with Nyaa-chan, dressed as a random girl, over to you two. "Ah, Totoko-chan, hello." Choromatsu turns around and smiles at her. Since you are in his life, he is a lot calmer around girls. You glance shyly over your shoulder, staring at Totoko and Nyaa-chan. "Your little sister is with you?" Totoko ask surprised. Choromatsu nods his head with a smile. "It's the first time Y/n sees cherry blossoms, so I wanted to show her a bit around in the park." Nyaa-chan stares at you, while you hide your face quickly in Choromatsu's chest.

You really are a shy girl when it comes to strangers. "Oh, really? I didn't even thought you six would be here." "I wanted to go with Y/n alone at first, but the others found out, so we all went out today." Choromatsu sighs a bit. You start to squirm and whine a bit, earning Choromatsu's attention back. "Oh, are you hungry Y/n? It was nice to see you, Totoko-chan. Have a nice day." Choromatsu walks slowly back, but he laughs softly when you nom on his hoodie. "Don't worry, I'll feed you some mashed berries. I know you love them." He says with a smile.

~A bit later~
Ichimatsu leaves the puplic restroom with you in his arms. He needed to change your diaper, while Jyushimatsu waited outsdie to make sure no one enters. The two of them heading back to the others, but humming when Dekapan and Dayon crossing their way. "Oh, Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu, dasu." Dekapan says surprised and looks down to you. Of course you hide your face again. "Hey Dekapan!" Jyushimatsu beams happy. "Is that your little sister, dayon?" "Obviously." Ichimatsu says bored. "You both look almost like a couple, dayon!" Now they look a bit disgusted.

You yawn sleepy, earing the attention from your brothers again. "We need to leave. Y/n needs to sleep." Ichimatsu says bored and starts to walk away. Jyushimatsu waves with an happy smile, following his older brother. You slowly fall asleep, but try to stay awake. Ichimatsu chuckles softly and rub your head gentle. "We'll hurry, don't worry." "I'll make sure Y/n sleeps safe!" Jyushimatsu beams happy.

~And then...~
Todomatsu wanted to make some cute pictures from you, so he took you with him and let you sit on his lap while making selfies from you two. "Y/n~. Look up here~." Todomatsu coos while waving his smartphone a bit up and down. You hum and look up curious. Todomatsu quickly makes a photo before you look away again.

"Oh, Todomatsu." He hums and looks to the side. "Ah, Atsushi-kun? What're you doing here?" Todomatsu ask surprised. "I wait for my date. And I see you have a date with this little lady here?" Atsushi chuckles while looking down to you with a smile. You hide your face in his chest quickly, too shy to look at him. Todomatsu is a bit pissed about the fact that Atsushi has a date again, but sighs quietly. With you around, he can't really stay angry at anything.

"I see. She must be the reason you don't have so much time anymore." Atsushi says calm. Todomatsu hums and nods, smiling again. "Y/n is my little sister. I'm sorry that we couldn't hang out so much, Atsushi-kun." "It's okay. I see the reason now." Atsushi chuckles, petting your head softly. He pulls quickl away when you start to whine. "Oh, did I hurt her?" He ask worried.

Todomatsu shook his head and stands up. "Y/n must be hungry again. I'll text you when I have time again, okay?" Atsushi nods and waves with a smile goodbye to Todomatsu.

After meeting you for a few minutes, the friends from he sextupltes thinking it's cute how much the brothers care for you. They are still NEETs of course, but before you were born they were so lazy and didn't really cared much for others.


They would beat every single person up who dares to hurt you.

Osomatsu-san x Reader One shots Book 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt