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Two months is too long. Obi-Wan often finds himself thinking of her all alone in the Outer Rim with only a platoon of clones to keep her company. After the ordeal with Christophsis, all he wants is to talk to her, though he knows it is wrong. He just wants to hear her voice or see her face, just to know she is alive.

That is why he is currently holding the communicator Yoda had given him, his finger tracing the engraved initials on the edge. He always assumed she intended to give him the device until he screwed up, so it may not be too strange if he were to contact her directly without the council knowing. Even if he is in contention for the open seat from the losses on Geonosis.

He turns the device over in his palm as if it would magically turn on and show him what he desires.

Static erupts as the device begins to glow blue. He jerks back in shock as the static slowly turns into a comprehensible voice: "Master Yoda? It's Loraana Windu. Can you hear me?"

It takes him a moment to process.

"This is Loraana Windu. Can you hear me?"

"Loraa, this is Obi-Wan," he says as he leans forward, cradling the device softly.

"Obi?" She whispers. The device barely picks up her voice, but he smiles when he hears it. "You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice."

He sighs. He was afraid she would hate him after their last conversation. "It's good to know you're alive and well. How's the Outer Rim?"

"Hell." Her laugh makes him laugh. "Oh, I've missed you. It's a bit lonely here."

Clearing his throat, he says, "I can only imagine. Sometimes, I almost wish for an assignment out that far." So he can see her. "Then I reconsider. Besides, Coruscant has been exciting in your absence, to say the least."

"I've heard a bit from meetings with Mace. I hear you led the Republic to victory on Christophsis. You have to tell me everything! I miss so much out here."

"It was just a regular blockade that we maneuvered through and some groundwork. No big deal." Truth is, he doesn't want to talk about his victories or failures. He just wants to know what she is up to and how she is. "Anakin got a Padawan though."

"Little Ani? A Padawan? Who?"

"Ahsoka Tano."

"Oh, Ahsoka! She's perfect for him!" Loraa laughs. He can hear something that resembles clapping as she squeals. "He'll get so annoyed so quickly! Time for a bit of pay-back, huh?"

"Absolutely. But, really, Loraa. How are you?"

She pauses, and the wait is agonizing. He worries he stepped too far or that she is just humoring him, waiting for Yoda to talk once more. His skin feels like it is on fire, each second growing the flames. "It's hard." She admits after a moment. "Saldora isn't a hot spot for either side right now. It's mostly just pirates or clones sneaking off to the one night club. Honestly, half the time, I consider requesting a change, and then we take down a carrier with some intel on the separatists, and I reconsider."

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