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Warning: death, betrayal 

A cloaked woman leaps from her speeder and races into the temple, a young girl's name echoing from her cracked lips. After months of battles in the Outer Rim, the Jedi Temple should be a comforting sight, but dread fills the woman's gut as she looks around the mostly deserted building.

It's too quiet to be right.

She had felt it from so far away. Something shifting in the Force, like a light being snuffed out. First, it was just a cool breeze, but it grew and grew. She felt a horrible death, hearing his words and thoughts through the Force before his ultimate demise. It knocked the wind from her chest and left dread in its place as she abandoned her post, stole a ship, and flew home.

All too soon, she finds out why it is so damned quiet.

Bodies of people she called her friends litter the ground, though she does not have time to mourn. The woman rushes over the bodies and begins searching the classrooms, the thought of one little girl she left so long ago ripping into her mind.

She finds a group of younglings huddled in her favorite classroom: it used to be where Master Yoda would teach younglings of patience. Most of the children are five, maybe six years old with the exception of the toddler among them, her eyes wide with tears and hiding behind a lanky boy who holds her tightly.


"You are all in grave danger," she says softly, kneeling in front of them. It pains her heart to pull her gaze from the youngest among them. "You need to run and trust no one. Take this." She holds out one of her lightsabers. "Travel as a group and stick together."

"But, Master. She'll slow us down." One girl motions to the toddler. "What if we get caught?"

"Then you fight." The woman's gaze drifts to the youngest. Hesitantly, she reaches forward for the girl's hand. It breaks her heart when the youngling shrinks away.

Before she has the chance to say another word, a loud shout makes her spring to her knees. "You must go, now. If you cannot get out, you must hide." The younglings stare at her, most terrified and crying. "You must be brave now," she says softly. "You are Jedi. We fight for peace and balance. I will buy you time."

The youngest girl whimpers and steps forward even as the boy holding her tries to pull her back to his side. She steps over to the woman and grips her leg tightly, opening her mouth for no sound to escape.

"It's all right, little one." The woman's voice cracks as she places one of her lightsabers between the young girl's hands. The edges of each charm attached to the hilt press against her palm. "They will keep you safe. Won't you?"

The boy nods.

"May the Force be with you."

The girl lets go and stumbles back. "May the F-Force be with you," she whispers as a tear rolls down her cheek.

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