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The clicks of silverware on ceramic fill the air, achingly loud. Loraana cannot help the desire to look to her left at the man seated beside her, but she pushes it down as she stares at the nuna legs in front of her, her own fork pushing the meat around aimlessly instead of actually eating.

It had been months since they were in the same room, let alone close enough to touch. The last time she truly saw his face was when she was interrogated by the council on her disappearance. Even then, he was distant. But so was she.

She can feel Anakin's gaze on the two of them before he lets out an awkward chuckle. "So...just like old times."

Loraana rolls her eyes as Obi-Wan shakes his head. "You're too young to have old times."

"That's what Loraana said."

Loraana chances a look up only to be trapped in the clouds. Luckily, he turns away first, but the flighty feeling of air comforting her remains like his embrace. "On another note," Loraana presses her lips together into a tight smile. "How have you been, Obi-Wan?"

Even just looking at his face makes her skin tight as he straightens up over his own plate of meat. "Well. There's lots of fighting."

She nods along to his words. "Yes, Anakin was telling me all about it before you arrived." Lacing her fingers together, Loraana hopes it stabilizes the small tremor shaking her body as she leans her chin against her hands. "Hondo's a real handful, huh?"

He scoffs. "That's one thing to call him."

"And those nasty bounty hunters." Her smile broadens as he relaxes just a bit, his shoulders dropping just enough for Loraana to see the skyline behind him. "You've been quite busy, haven't you? Impressive."

A soft blush tinges his cheeks beneath the growing beard. "It is my duty."

He probably did not mean for it to hurt, but the words feel like daggers aimed at her heart. With a small cough, Loraana drops her hands and leans back in her seat, the smile disappearing off her face. "Yes, well, we all have our own duties to attend to, don't we?"

She looks over at Anakin to see him anxiously watching the two. He glances between them quickly with an expression Loraana can't quite place: a mixture of curiosity and pain, perhaps. "I hear you've been working with younglings again," he says. "How's that going?"

The smile returns. "Oh, they're lovely," she replies, pulling her nail away from her palm. "They are all so excitable and willing to learn. Plus, Master Jocasta has given me ample help with the archives. It's really quite enjoyable."

"What are you doing in the archives?" Obi-Wan asks, his brows furrowing.

Once again, her excitement falters. "Oh, just for fun. Something to keep myself occupied in my spare time," she says. "I have been writing a few papers and updating information with the war. It's usually very fun, but there are the days when I get a list of names that did not make it. Those are...difficult lists to update." She drops her gaze to her plate. "Enough about me. You two are the decorated generals. Anything in the works?"

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