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REQUEST: Can u do a imagine where the reader is pregnant (they are not in Hogwarts anymore) and she tell remus and he is really happy and excited about it Bute the reader is scared bc they're too young nd he comfort her saying they would be amazing parents? 😍♥


Sirius was sitting on the bed patiently as you kept pacing up and down the room. He just sat there, watching you as you kept biting your nail and turning to him every five minutes, trying to say something but then again started pacing after changing your mind all over again.

You stopped one more time, turning to Sirius and taking a deep breath in. "Okay, here it goes. " you said determined, looking Sirius in the eyes and holding your breath. "Remus, I am pregnant and it's yours."

Sirius stood up from his bed, eyes wide and hands running through his black locks. "You are what! Pregnant! I can't believe it! AND IT'S MINE! That's it. I'm leaving you!" joked Sirius, his poker face turning into his perpetual smirk and smiling grey eyes.

"Sirius! This is important." you huffed and plopped yourself down next to him as he continued to laugh.

"Stop worrying, (y/n). I bet he'll be happy that he put a baby in your belly." comforted Sirius. Well, he tried to comfort you.

"Says, the guy who just said he would leave me."

" It was a joke, (y/n)." he chuckled, putting his hands on your shoulders and starting to massage you.

"But this isn't. Sirius I am knocked up, I just graduated from Hogwarts yesterday and what if he does leave me!" you worried, burrying your head in your palms.

"First of all, we didn't graduate Hogwarts yesterday and-"

"Well it feels like we did!" you cut him off.

"And secondly, you need to tell him. It's Remus. The I-am-smarter-and-the-most-mature-out-all-of-you, loving, sarcastic Remus."

You shot your head up from your palms, accidentally hitting Sirius in the face as you did. "You're right. What's the worst that can happen.?"

Remus was sitting on the bed patiently as you kept pacing up and down the room. He just sat there, watching you as you kept biting your nail and turning to him every five minutes, trying to say something but then again started pacing after changing your mind all over again.

"Are you okay, darling?" he asked as you continued with the pacing, stopping right in front of him and looking him right in the eyes.

"I'mpregnantanditsyours!" you blurted out, staring and waiting for his reaction.

"A bit slower, love." he chuckled, standing up and walking over to you. He took a hold of your hands, sitting down on the bed and pulling you on the space next to him. "Now what do you need to tell me."

At the sound of his soft voice, you felt your heart rate slow down for the first time today. You looked up at his green eyes and then back down at your hands. "I'm pregnant." you said quietly, yet clear enough for him to hear.

He stared at you, not even blinking, smile still stuck on his face as before. "No seriously, what do you have to tell me?" he laughed, watching as your eyes started to tear up. That's when he realized you were completly serious about this. "You're pregnant?" he asked.

You looked up at his eyes and only nodded.

"Like baby pregnant?" he asked again, making you look up with confusion and furrow your eyebrows.

"No, monkey pregnant. " you retorded sarcasticly, rolling your eyes and watching as he kept wrapping his head around it. " Of course I'm baby pregnant."

"And it's mine?" he suddenly smiled, making you even more confused as before.

"Yeah?" you conifrmed, sounding more like a quiestion than a statement.

"So I'm going to be a dad?" his smile grew even bigger as he said those words. "I'm going to be a dad? A dad? A DAD? Like as a parent who has a mini human?"

"Remus?" you quievered before he wrapped his arms around you and lifting you.

"I love you so much!" he shouted as he kept spinning you around. " I am going to be father!" he said putting you down and kissing you.

he put his hand on your neck, leaning his forehead on yours, yours noses touching and his eyes set on yours. "We're going to have a baby." he smiled, his other hand finding its way to your belly.

Sirius was right. He's thrilled but are you?

Remus noticed your eyes. They weren't sharing his happiness as he thought they would. "Love?" he asked softly as he saw a tear roll down your cheek. " What's wrong?"

That was when you collapsed in his arms. He wrapped his strong arms around you, enough to keep you on your feet and then leading you to your bed to sit down. "Remus, I don't know. I-I-I don't know!" you sobbed in his chest.

"You don't know what?"

"I don't know how will we raise this child! We are so young, I have a job for about 8 months now, while you have yours for four! We can barely afford this place and we can barely take care of that cactus over there!" you yelled and pointed to a dry cactus, barely holding itself together.

"A baby is different."

"It's a cactus, Remus! A CACTUS! It doesn't even need water and look at it. It's completly gutted!" you shouted.

"I mean it could be worse. It could be dead."

You started chuckling at his comment. "This isn't funny, Rem." you continued to laugh, lightly punching him in the chest.

"Then why are you laughing?" he smiled and squeezed you even tighter in his embrace.

"Because you're not being serious at situations like this." you chuckled, wrapping your hands around his torso. "Seriously Remus. What if we are terrible parents?"

"We are not going to be terrible parents. We are going to be amazing parents. You know why? Because I love you and you love me and that is all the baby is going to need. Love. Our love."

"But the cactus.."

"Well he's alive, isn't he? And how can you compare a cactus to a baby?"

"He? What if it's a she?"

"It's a cactus honey, it doesn't have sex."

"I wasn't talking about the bloody cactus." you retorded and pulled away from his embrace to look at him in the eye. " Which sex do you think it will be?" you asked, taking his hand and gently putting it on your belly.

"Boy or a girl, I'll love it with all my heart. " he smiled, giving you a small kiss on the lips. "Just like that cactus over there. I love it no matter the sex."

You closed your eyes and took a big sigh. "You could have finished right there but no, you had to mention the cactus."

He chuckled and pulled you back into his embrace, kissing your head as he did. "It our cactus. We love it no matter its state."

"By the looks of it, we need to love it a little bit more." 

Remus Lupin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now