Anything and Everything

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REQUESTED BY : it's your love 😏♥️ here's my motivation to write long imagines 😂 can I get a angsty fluff Remus x reader ? They have started dating for a while but Remus is always a little distant and almost refuse have any physical affection with her because of his lil problem , end with flufffff and if possible some nice steamy makeout time too 😚😏 I love you ( so don't break my fragile heart anymore )


If Reumus Lupin was anything, he was everything.

In a way, Remus Lupin was always friendly, gentle, compassionate, intuniative and with a smile on his face, despite the horrible secret he had to hide. Yet deep inside, Remus Lupin was sad, overly-trusting, fearful and had a strong desire to escape reality. And though he was everything, he felt he could be anything with you. And only you.

He was a horrible flirt, yet an incredible romantic. He started talking and the words leaving his mouth always seemed to charm you. He didn't even try. You could say that being romantic, was his nature, his gift.

His eyes. They were round and beautiful. Their green colour always hid secrets from you. They hid pain and suffering and those were the moments you felt helpless. Helpless in a way where you knew he was happy with you but still knew he was sad when he was alone.

He liked being alone. That is why he was rarely seen with his group of friends. He prefered silence and peace over loud crowds. His favorite place to be alone was the tree with your's and his' initials carved in it. That was back in your third year, when the two of you sneaked away from Hagrid's detention and that was where he was now.

He was sitting under the same tree he has been sitting since the third year.

' Dear Journal,

I love the way her hair smells when they are freshly washed, yet I also love her breath which reeks after she eats anything related to onion. Sometimes, I wish I could stop thinking about her for one small moment. To make my heart stop racing when she is around and to actually stay away from her before I hurt her. But everytime I try, it's like I don't want to lose her.

The funny thing is as much as I try not to be romantic, I end up charming her again and we end up in some closed space, snogging. It's just the way her eyes lit up when I start speaking and I feel like when I say a word or two, she is already gone, swooning over me. She melts into my arms and I just can't do it. I can't say the words and I can't tell her about the other part of me because when she does everything I described, I fall in love with her even more. Confused, that's -'

" Back with the journal." you interrupted and continued to lean on the tree. " I always wonder what you write in there." you smiled and sent him a suspicious look.

He smiled gently in return and closed his journal. " You, of course. "

" The way I smile and how beautiful I am..." you slowly made your way on his lap, leaning closer. " How you can't live without me and how much in love you are with me.." you continued to tease, your nose brushing against his own and leaning into a soft kiss.

He smiled into it, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you closer. " Actually, it's how your breath reeks after eating onions." he snarked and let out a laugh.

" Nobody's perfect, Remus." you smiled and kept your right hand to run through his grey hair at the sides.

" I know but you somehow pull it off despite that." he mumbled, kissing you again, this time more passionately, fiery... Because if Remus Lupin was anything else, he was definetly a passionate lover.

Remus Lupin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now