Three Quarters

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REQUEST: Hi love, how are you feeling today? If you ever need someone to just complain about life I'm here 💕 On other note, last night I was listening to What You Won't Do For Love by Bobby Cladwell, and oh my god, it screams Remus to me. What do you think? (andifyouwanttowritesomethingiwouldntmind)


The book was hiding him. He was laying on the wooden chair and the only thing you could see of him was his forehead, sprawled with strands of brown hair. You continued peeking over your own book, trying to catch his eyes.

He slowly pulled down his book, smiling his eyes at you as he caught you already staring. He saw you press your book on your nose and he did the same. You glanced at the door and he did the same. He then glanced at the group of boys next to him.

You rolled your eyes.

He squinted his.

You pleaded with yours.

He glanced at the group.

You persisted.

He doubted.

You got up and gathered your things. It was time you left the library after not getting any work done due to the distraction a few seats away from you.

He tensed up at his seat and kept switching sights from his friends and to you. "Fuck." he heard himself mumble and fortunately nobody heard him. You disappeared behind the closed door and he was already on his feet as well, gathering his things.

"Where you off to, Moony?" asked James as he looked up from his Charms book. Sirius and Peter turned their attention on the same boy and furrowed their eyebrows.

"What's the rush?" Sirius asked but Remus was already running to the door. He was running towards you.

He bolted out of the library, stopping when he was faced with three corridors. One right ahead, one left and the other right. Three possible ways you could have gone yet he didn't realize until you put your hands over his eyes, that you stayed where you are.

"Paranoid?" you asked before he felt himself relax and put his hands on yours, removed them and turn around.

"Only when it comes to seeing you go." he charmed and you felt yourself feel dazed for a moment. He had a wonderful touch. As if it was the softest- like flower petals instead of his fingertips. His eyes were greener than you have ever seen. Greener as the soaked grass on a sunny day. They were the most vibrant, contrast to his skin which was light and his gentle hair colour. He had an effect on you that could only make you fall for him. Fall for the fool in front of you.

Without any other words, he leaned down to kiss you. Gentle as he was known for. His kisses were deep always feeling like they were going to be last. Sometimes that scared you, other times it terrified you.


It was Saturday since the three Marauders saw his fourth. Today was Sunday and it was evening already. They haven't seen him but they worried. There was a possibility he went to go find himself again before the full moon closes in yet they didn't have a feeling. Not after they saw his best friend fleed from the library.

But there he was. At the door with that goofy grin of his and dreamy eyes. The other three kept watching him with mighty confusion but all he did was walked- floated towards his bed.

"Good evening." he said in a cheery voice.

The other three exchanged looks. "You sound cheery." James said first and Sirius followed.

"Too cheery if you ask me." he grinned as he had a faint idea why his best friend was acting so pleased with himself. "Who's the girl?" he asked and Remus only placed a foolish smile.

"Her name is (y/n)." he smiled, finally deciding to look at them.

"(y/n)?" Sirius repeated. "And what house does this (y/n) belong to?"

"I'm not telling you." Remus grabbed the fresh pair of clothes and started walking towards the door.

"Why not?"

"You really think it's a good idea, Moony?" Peter cut in the conversation and everybody turned to him.

"What do you mean?" Remus asked.

"I mean you- you like her don't you?" Peter felt himself get nervous due to full attention on his.

James realized what he tried to say so he continued. "What Wormy is trying to say is that if you really want for the two of you to work, you'll have to tell her because each time after full moon you look like hell- no offense- and what will she think?"

Remus was now glaring at them. For the first time, he was angry at his friends but he couldn't say anything back because, on the logical side, they were right. What would happen if the two of you would happen and he had to hide this big part of himself?


It's been two days since you saw Remus. Two days and three-quarters to be exact but who's counting, right? You. You've been counting and it was almost nerve-wracking to not hear from him in all that time.

But there he was; when you were leaving the Astronomy Tower, he was there. He was leaning against the wall with one foot on it and a book in his hand. His black robes were hanging down his body that you had the pleasure of examining a few days ago. His hair was covering most of his face but his nose, chin, and red-gold tie were still visible.

You let yourself believe he couldn't have noticed you staring but he did. He felt your energy as soon as you walked closer and his vibrant green eyes finally looked up from the book. He closed it with one hand, his hair fell back where they belong and a smile, charming and merry, appeared on his lips.

Alas as much as you wanted to be happy to see him, you decided to keep back. You decided not to forgive him for leaving you in the empty for the last two days and three quarters.

"I guess you've wondered where I've been?"

"Only for the last three days." you replied.

"Two days and a half but who's counting."

Again. You. You were counting and it wasn't two days and a half. It was two days and three quarters.

"There was something on my mind for a long time and I couldn't figure it out. Something that I really hate about myself- so you could say I've been searching to find the love within." he charmed, winking and causing you to smile.

"What could you hate about yourself?"

"I'll tell you... one day. But it was what it was at the lake as I kept wondering that I shouldn't put you through all that. I thought I should let you go but there was a feeling inside of me that just told me not to do that. To come back to let you know I have a thing for you and I won't let it go." he smiled and again you did the same, only more extent. "When I came back to my dorm after that day, my friends wondered what is wrong with me- it was quite funny actually." he continued. "Well, I am in a daze from your love, you see."

Your arms were now around his neck all of a sudden and he felt himself chuckle. "And there is this thing about you. You're never giving up and I love that about you. That was the thought that kept me going to come here. You wouldn't give up on me so why should I? Because in my world only you make me do for love what I would not do." he admitted and you let out a giggle yourself.

"Are you saying I tend to bring out the bad boy out of you, Remus Lupin?"

"Believe me. A Prefect like me wouldn't be doing things you make me do." he grinned and kissed you a gentle kiss, the one you missed the most. Those kisses that always felt like they were going to be the last. Passionate yet gentle.

"Three quarters." you mumbled and he smiled.


"It was two days and three quarters."

"So you were counting."

"For you? Every second."

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