Chapter 28 - '

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Carly's POV.

I took one last look in the mirror. It was the first time in ages that I had worn make-up or bothered to do my hair. I just haven't been up for dolling myself up at all lately. I don't know why today is any different. I just woke up feeling refreshed and maybe even a little happier. I even looked slightly more bright and uplifted too.

I heard the doorbell ring and shot up to go answer it. My curiosity and worry about Tashie's 'talk' she wants to have was eating me up all morning! When I got to the door I swung it open to reveal her smiling at me strangely. “Hey. I missed you so much,” I said pulling her for a hug. She hugged me back and stepped inside my house. “Hiya...I’ve missed you too, how are you feeling?” She asked with a hand on my arm. She looked at me sympathetically, that's the look that everyone has been giving me recently. I fought back the urge to roll my eyes and smiled politely. I'm a little tired of the pity party now. But she's just being thoughtful which I appreciate.

“I'm doing've caught me at a good time! This is the best I’ve felt in quite a while,”

“Aw I bet. I'm so sorry about your mum, Carly...”

“Hey! No pity today, okay?” I said lightly trying to change the topic swiftly. She chuckled a little and nodded her head silently. She was wearing a thick navy coat and her scarf that I bought her for Christmas last year. I totally forgot how cold it gets at this time of year!

I took her coat and scarf for her to hang up in the closet before leading her through the house. “Well, welcome to my new house!” I said looking around. Tashie's eyes wondered around the unfamiliar walls as she smiled lightly.

“You're so lucky! This house is so pretty, I want it!”

I laughed at her. “Hmm, I'm sure my dad would have something to say about that!” I joked.

We continued small talk about my new living arrangements, Marcus and all the gossip I’ve missed as I showed her around and got us a milkshake. I introduced Tashie to Dawn and Owen too. It's strange to think that all of them are such big parts of my life, yet they have never met! Tashie already knows Jamie, and she has met my dad a long time ago when we were kids. Owen seemed to have taken a shine to Tashie fairly quickly, he was trying to get her to play with his new train set! Much to his disappointment I told him she couldn't because we needed catch up time. Tashie thought it was adorable! Me too really, he's such a charming little boy. He's going to be a heart-breaker when he's older.

Eventually we decided to hang out in my room, we were finally alone for her to tell me whatever it is that's bothering her. “So this is my room. It's pretty plain for now, I was just saying to Kris the other day that I really need to funk it up if im going to be staying here,”

She laughed and agreed with me, “I think so too! You're more funky than this.”

“Exactly!” I replied taking a seat on my bed. Tashie followed and leaned back to lie across the foot of my throw.

“Hey Carly....can I tell you something, it's just something...uhm, I want you to know best friend...” she said awkwardly. I frowned, of course she couldn't see it as she was faced to the roof. “Of course you can! You can tell me anything...”

“Yeah I know. I'm hoping you won't judge me. I trust you with everything, Carly...”

“I'm glad then.” I was urgently wanting her to spill the beans to me. Whatever it is , I just know that it was truly upset her. I can see it in her. She's stressed about something. I sat silent giving her the time she needed to speak. Eventually, she fessed up.

“Well...about 5 days ago...I uhm,” She paused as her voiced croaked. She moved her hand from her side and onto her stomach nervously. “Carly. I had a miscarriage.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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