Chapter 18 - 'just wanna have fun'

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A/N: This chapter is all about Tashie and Tyler, so sorry but no Kris and Carly today...:)

Tashie's POV.

First dates are always the worst. Yes they are filled with excitement and interest when you get to know the other person, but what you are both really thinking is 'Would you just cut to the chase and kiss me!'. Well maybe that's not what everybody thinks, but it's ALL I think of, except you can't just kiss them can you? That would be pretty unacceptable according to the first date rules.

Today is my date with Tyler and I am so excited! I was pretty shocked when I got the text from him asking me out to a date, although I was a bit gutted he asked me by text. I wasn't expecting him to magically come charging towards me on horseback with a bunch of roses to ask me out, but I would of maybe liked a phone call or something, I don't know but a text seems a bit impersonal. Anyway I should just stop complaining because I’m lucky to even get a date with a guy as hot as him!

“Marcus! Jeans or shorts?” I asked holding a hanger in each hand. Marcus has come over to help me choose an outfit, he is really good at things like this! He slowly turned his head away from his magazine to inspect each piece of clothing.

“You have good legs so go with the shorts!” he said.

“No, have you seen the weather outside!” I said grimacing at the grey sky through my window. Marcus sighed and rolled his eyes,

“Wear the jeans then! If you didn't want to wear the shorts then why did you ask me?” he said tutting at me before diverting his attention back to the magazine. I just ignored him before shifting my body into the skin tight jeans. I kinda lack in the curves department but these jeans make my ass look great! If I do say so myself. There was only five miniutes until Tyler should be picking me up so I quickly grabbed my selected shimmering red party blouse and put it on in a hurry. I put a lot of effort into choosing the right top, I really want to impress Tyler! I had already done my hair and make up so all that was left to do was put on my boots and get Marcus out the house.

“Tyler will be here soon so you're gonna have to leave my friend,”

“I hear ya!” he said swinging his legs off the bed to get himself in a standing position. “Have fun on your date babe and remember no tongues!” he warned me as he hugged me goodbye.

I chuckled lightly, he knows me too well! I have a tendency to be too forward on dates.

“Okay, I promise! Now scram, I don't want Tyler getting suspicious when he see's a sexy young guy in my house!” I joked opening the front door to let him out.

“Eww, you think your dad's sexy? That's incest,” he retorted. I fake gagged at the thought,

“Ew no! I said YOUNG. I was talking about you, you sexy bitch!” Marcus laughed and made his way up my driveway.

“Aww I’m glad you think so! Bye Tash!” he shouted over his shoulder.

“Bye!” I called before swinging the door shut.

I waited in my living room for fifteen minutes until I got too impatient and had to text Tyler asking where he is. He does live quite far out but fifteen minutes late! Really? Within a nanosecond he replied – 'The traffics pretty bad, won't be long x'. With my mind at ease knowing Tyler is on his way I rested myself on my sofa.

Five minutes later. Ten miniutes later. FIFTEEN minutes later, and Tyler finally arrived! How charming. Slinging my bag over my shoulder I made my way to his car. “Hey Tyler,” I said getting into the passenger seat.

“Hey, looking good!” he said winking at me. I smiled at him,

“Thanks, was twelve o'clock right?” I asked making sure it wasn't just me getting the times wrong.

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