Chapter 4 - 'Because he's too cool for school'

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Carly's POV

"And we're here!" dad exclaimed as we rolled into the driveway of his house. He had just picked me up about fifty minutes prior. I told dad about the incident with Mr Mitchel, this stunned him. I thought he might be mad because I got a detention but no, he found it hilarious. That's the first time I have ever got a detention and I am NOT looking forward to it. An hour a day cleaning with Nathan...that's what I call Complete Torture.

When I got into the house I went straight to find Owen. I miss him so much during the week. I wondered round to his room, bags still hand, and used my free hand to knock on his door. “Owen,” I called. I heard a sudden clattering noise from his room soon followed by thudding footsteps. What is that boy up to? The door finally opened and I got trapped into a bone crushing hug. “Carly!” he squealed. Owens grip tightened on my legs, I started to lose my balance so I took a step back but only to trip over my own feet. I plummeted down at high speed landing hard on my bum. Owen tumbled on top of me giggling his head off.

“Oh how I've missed you baby boy!” I said hugging him more,

“No! I'm a cool boy not a baby boy!” He demanded,

I chuckled at his pouting lip, “You'll always be a baby boy to me.” I planted a big sloppy kiss onto his cheek which caused him to giggle. “Hmm? I'm a cool boy. Dad told me so,” he said with confidence. “You better not call me baby boy in front of my friends!” he said the words 'baby boy' as if he was spitting them out.  “I might just do that!” I teased.

Soon we were both laughing - still in a heap on the floor. I slowly got up and helped Owen up too. “I'm away to unpack, then I'll catch you later,” I told him walking in the direction of my room. “Can you take me to the park after tea?” Owen shouted out.

“Sure thing,”

“Good because I told my friend Alex I wold be there later,”

“Okay,” I said then carried on with my unpacking.

For tea we had fajitas – which were amazing. Dawn made them so obviously they were going to be amazing. I can't get enough of her cooking. It was half past six so me and Owen were on our way to the park.

“Alex is my best friend,” Owen stated.

“Is he in your class?”

“Yes, we sit next to each other,” he said smiling. Owen had been talking about this Alex boy all throughout the walk to the park. He has really taken a shine to him!

It wasn't long before we arrived at the park. Owen rushed through the gates and ran straight to the swings. On the occupied swing sat a little blonde haired girl swinging slowly. She had on a green summer dress which matched her vibrant hairband. She must be about Owens age I thought.

I made my way up to the the swings where Owen was swinging at a great height. “Carly! This is Alex,” he said pointing to the pretty blonde girl next to him. I'm not gonna lie, I thought Alex was going to be a boy. I was wrong, she's a sweet little girl. “Hiya Alex,” I said with a small wave.

Alex smiled at me, “Hello” she said sweetly. Aww shes so cute. All of a sudden I heard a deep voice from behind me,

“I see you've met my sister,” I jumped with surprise before quickly turning to see who was talking, My jaw dropped. It was none other than Kris Deeves. How did I not see him in the park?

“Oh hey, Kris was it?” I asked,  not that I didn't remember his name.

“Yeah and you're Carly,” he stated rather than asked. I was amazed that he remembered my name! “Yeah,” I replied with a smile. We stood side by side pushing our siblings on the swings. Kris was the one to break the silence,

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